Can't make my block any smaller

Hello developers, i am having a problem in the Roblox studio, you’ll see i can’t make my block any smaller, i do not know why this happens and i would really appreciate any help with this, i have tried everything and it doesn’t work, it just wont get any smaller.


Click “Model” and send me a screenshot of your screen. I have a hunch for what the problem might be.

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To fix this simply click ‘Model’ then change your studs to something smaller than the current amount. Here’s a screenshot of what you need to change to make the part smaller:



Change the “Move” property in the top from 1 stud to something smaller, such as 0.1. This should fix the issue.

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You’re attempting to decrease its size by one stud. That is impossible (in Roblox) because it will go into negative sizes which is a whole new level of quantum physics. Simply change the variable how much you move.

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Thank you everyone now it works

Simple fix, go to model, and change the “move” smaller, I usually build using 0.2 studs.

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