Hello, I’ve been attempting to fix a camera bug in Studio, but regardless of what I do, it doesn’t turn. It has occurred in every place Studio wise, and test wise. I’ve deleted and re-installed Studio, deleted the camera, and changed the camera type to everything else. Nothing has worked, please help!
also happens to me, tried restarting studio/my pc, it didnt help
Same here. Didn’t work on my end, either.
Does this occur in every Studio Place or just a specific one? I would recommend resetting your mouse settings to defaults in Studio’s settings. Hope this helps!
same tried reinstalling and bunch of other stuff, probably a studio bug
Seconded, just a bug. Should be fixed soon hopefully!
I hope, me and my friend are trying to make a game and can’t work on it too long, this is cutting into my free time for it lol
Usually they get to it fast, for now I would recommend refreshing Studio occasionally until it is sorted.
Alright, thanks! This hasn’t happened in a while
Yes, I am experiencing the same thing, I have tried many solutions, none of them worked, I am waiting for an explanation from someone authorized.
Wish I saw this before I deleted my Roblox applications, and now the installer is hanging lol.
Glad to see I’m not the only one going insane. I went and tried other studio files to make sure I didn’t mess up my primary project lol
Me too. This is getting incredibly frustrating.
Same here. It was working a few minutes ago.
I don’t know what happened. It just, appeared.
Experiencing the same issue, I can’t pan camera at all nor select anything
When I hold right click and attempt to move the mouse, it begins bugging and the camera doesn’t move
Same thing here.
Well I guess Roblox will fix it soon considering how many people have it.
This also affects in-game too. I don’t know, man, Roblox Studio has got to be the most frustrating game-engine.
It’s an unexpected studio bug that happened out of nowhere.
I hope the staff fixes this soon.