Can't move with xbox controller

Hello, currently I am trying to test my game with xbox controller but each time I test in studio I can only look around but cannot move I have tried everything.

Please any help appreciated!

  1. Are you using a physical controller? I assume you are but Roblox has an emulator for Xbox controls as to why I’m asking.

  2. Does the controller work on games off and on Roblox? (It could be an issue with the controller itself).

  3. When testing in Studio with a controller, make sure you are focused on the game window. A white dot may appear showing that you are using a controller. Try jumping to see if that works.

  4. Use Roblox’s input system to check if Roblox is recognizing your inputs: Gamepad input | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

  5. Make sure you aren’t focused on any UI. If you are focused on UI, you cannot move around unless you unfocus from the UI. Pressing the Select button on the Xbox controller allows controller to interact with UI. There is the Virtual Cursor which would make it obvious with a gray circle appearing on screen. If that is not enabled, then a white selection box should appear around whatever UI you have selected.

Hope that helps!

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Controllers are currently broken in Studio due to the new Virtual Gamepad Controller Emulator feature stealing the first controller slot, Gamepad1. Making additional gamepads become 2 or 3, etc… This causes your character not to move and only your camera will move.

The workaround is:

Disable the Virtual Gamepad Controller Emulator Beta Feature. Since disabling this feature actually doesn’t disable it, you’ll have to actually rename or delete the ControlsEmulator.rbxm file. On PC this is located at %localappdata%/Roblox/Versions/<version####>/BuiltInStandalonePlugins/Optimized_Embedded_Signature/. The <version####> will be one of the latest Date Modified folders in the Versions folder. Or, you can search the entire Roblox directory for the file named ControlsEmulator.rbxm and rename it.

Linked comment where I got this information: [Studio Beta] Introducing Gamepad Controller Emulator - #81 by Rocky28447


I’ll @ someone on the console team I know to the bug report about it and will include your reply. Thanks for telling me, I haven’t used the emulator yet so I didn’t know this bug existed.

This is the bug report I’m talking about btw: Controller Emulator blocks controller input, even when closed!

Edit: I replied and since the issue was reported very recently, 3 hours ago, I’d prefer to give Roblox time to fix it rather than @ing possibly the wrong team/people. :sweat_smile:

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No, I do have it off I just checked…

So you can move with your Xbox controller now? (Sorry, I’m confused :sweat_smile:)

No, I still cannot move with the xbox controller I will try again and say.

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I’m experiencing a similar issue but in Roblox itself. Nothing works except for the buttons. I can’t move or rotate my camera. But it works in other apps/games