Can't One Shot a Anchored Dummy

So the problem that I am facing is that I can’t one shot a dummy when I deal 100 or more damage. However, I can kill the dummy if I two shot him for example:99dmg + 99dmg and I want the dummy to be anchored.

The solution that I have tried is to put a part into the dummy and anchor it. However, it didn’t work I also did tried to weld it to a leg and it failed also.

Here is my script:

local humanoid = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Humanoid")


this a bug in roblox, i believe you can do

    if humanoid.Health == 0 then
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you can run a remote event and kill it on the server.

Is there anyway that I could keep the died function because I need it for something else?

why does it matter if it has to die? the code i gave you does the same thing.

Because, I got a other script inside the humanoid that doesn’t work with it.


change the human.Died event to the code i gave you and it will work the same

It still doesn’t work here is my script:

local FolderWithShoots = workspace.Shoots

local Human = script.Parent.Humanoid
	if Human.Health == 0 then
		for _,v in pairs(FolderWithShoots:GetChildren()) do
			if v:IsA('BasePart') then
				if v:FindFirstChildOfClass('Script') then
					v:FindFirstChildOfClass('Script').Enabled = false
				v.CanCollide = false
				v.Transparency = 1

the humanoid gets destroyed before that event can fire i think. so i believe you can just add that script’s code to the script i originally helped you with.

It works however, now If the damage is slightly changed it will destroy the whole folder for example if I only deal 25 dmg. By the way thanks for the help!

try only anchoring the HumanoidRootPart of the dummy and unanchor everything else

wait nvm I think its my sword damage script that has a problem :skull: