Can't open folders

Recently while trying to open folders in any explorer, it just won’t open. Basically whenever you attempt to open a folder it will make it seem as if there’s nothing actually inside of the folder, even though there is something inside of it. Also while moving the folder to another explorer, it will show the arrow beside the folder icon indicating there’s something inside of it once again, but whenever you click on it there’s nothing.


Hey Nanonauts

  1. Are you experiencing this bug on Mac or PC?
  2. How often are you experiencing this bug: all the time, every now and then, etc. ?
  3. Have you run into this bug in the same place always? If you open a Baseplate, create a folder and add some objects to the folder does the bug still occur?

The answer to these questions will provide us with more info to help evaluate this bug, thanks!

PC, this bug occurs quite frequently I tried everything from making a new folder with different objects to restarting studio. This happens in any game I go into studio in.

Also there’s a possibility this happens after adjusting your studio window a few times, no clue if that has anything to do with it but it might be able to help you reproduce it.