Cant open games in new tab

From the home page and discover page, you cant open games in new page anymore.

If you rightclick a game, the “Open in new tab” button doesnt appear anymore, and clicking the game while holding control doesnt work either, clicking with the mouse wheel does not work anymore too.

I tried on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge, issue occurs on both


Thanks for the report! We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

Please note that filling a bug report does not guarantee that it will be fixed once triaged.


I second this. Now if I want to open multiple games, I have to go BACK to the Friends Playing page and find the game, and this is rather inconvenient for me. I liked being able to just press the middle mouse button to open games in new tabs.



We have worked out a way to solve this problem in the meantime. Roblox removed hypertext references for game tiles.

Working Patches

Chrome extension:

Tampermonkey script:

  1. Install tampermonkey:
  2. Add the script written by @Brinker7:


There used to be a hyper text reference located under <a class="game-card-link">, which would link to a game. Roblox recently seems to have created their own system for routing to game places in such a way that they do not make use of a hypertext reference.

That is to say, I’m not so sure that this is a bug, since if it was then the hypertext reference would have just been lost without any other way for us to reach games by clicking on them.

That being said, it makes no sense why Roblox would even consider replacing the previous functionality, as it is extremely user-unfriendly. I mean, just look at how many people are already finding this extraordinarily annoying (including me!)

A possible work-around

Edit: See above for working work-around.

If Roblox is unwilling to return games to its original functionality, it is important to note that both <a class="game-card-link"> and <li class="list-item game-card game-tile"> contain id="UNIVERSE_ID".

The universe id (not to be confused with a place id) can then be used to get the root place id by sending a request to This returns unparsed JSON in string format, and you can get the starter place id by doing[0].rootPlaceId, where result is parsed JSON.

Original post

<li class="list-item game-card game-tile"> no longer contains an href="URL" in any of its descendants. Specifically, <a class="game-card-link"> no longer contains a hypertext reference.

This seems to be intended rather than a bug, since something else is now routing you to place links, and <a class="game-card-link"> now contains id="UNIVERSE_ID" instead of href="URL".

Duplicating any game tile on the DOM does not allow you to open said place, and simply creates a broken tile.

This is annoying since numerous people always open things in new tabs. (including me). If roblox does not add this feature back, I might end up making a chrome extension to add the href back to the <a class="game-card-link"> tile.


edit 1: id refers to universe id, not place id, this has been changed in the above. You can use to get the root place id from the universe id (this is JSON).

edit 2: A friend of mine who still happened to have this feature on their browser verified that id="UNIVERSE_ID" was present along with the href in <a class="game-card-link">. Still seems to be a feature, though, as it still routes to games without the href.

edit 3: Re-wrote this post to make it more understandable/readable.

edit 4: Fixed javascript code block to use js syntax highlighting instead of default lua highlighting

edit 5: Added two workaround links, and a TL;DR

edit 6: Merged two duplicate headers into 1 single header. Shortened TL;DR to not include installation, moved working patches (previously working work-arounds) right below TL;DR.

edit 7: Extension approved, added chrome webstore link

edit 8: Removed js code block


I don’t understand why Roblox keeps taking away perfectly normal functionality and making it worse for the users

(as you can see the mouse icon on Brookhaven, it’s not suppose to do that, usually we’d get a new tab)

It also triggers my ad blocker for some reason please fix this it’s not acceptable user experience

(normally when you Left click on a game it will go to that page right away)

We can’t open a new tab using right click either

(normally when you Right click on a game there would be an option to open it, open it in a new tab, open it in a new window)

I tested with Google Chrome, Firefox and Opera browsers
(also tested in Incognito mode)

This bug and / or feature is hurting Roblox and Developers in many ways.

Imagine that you see several new games that are interesting and you would like to try them all later so open a new tab for each and keep browsing for more games, now you can’t do that.

Whenever someone with an adblocker clicks on a game it will trigger the pop-up blocker which is very weird and inconvenient

Habits are hard to change and frankly this bug and / or feature is a useless change towards our browsing habits


Are you sure you can’t middle click on the name? I’m pretty sure that opens it.


(I have stuff blocked on the internet here, so I can’t try it myself.)


No it doesn’t make a difference the functionality is lost


This is driving me absolutely crazy. By habit I never normally click on links (don’t ask me, ask my OCD) and with this functionality removed I have been avoiding the site because I simply am unable to use this feature normally. I don’t know if this is a bug or not but nevertheless there is no reason to remove it.


Isn’t it your ad blocker or something else on your end that is causing the “open in a new tab” button to be gone? I checked if I could replicate this issue, I was unable to, since my “open in a new tab” button is still there. (I don’t have an ad blocker, and I’m sure the chrome extensions I use don’t remove the button)

If my above conclusion isn’t correct, you can go around this issue by searching the game you want to save for later in the discover tab, henceforward hold CTRL, click on the game’s thumbnail and drag it next to the other tabs to create a separate tab for it.

That is, assuming you are using a PC. There might be workarounds for this issue on tablets and phones, but I can’t be bothered to google them.

Incognito mode disables all extensions.

even if something on my end is causing the problem it wasn’t there before it is obvious that Roblox has made some changes that shouldn’t be made as it doesn’t provide any benefits.


I actually came here to post about this very problem, thank you for raising the issue. I don’t think it’s a browser error, because I tested in Firefox and the issue persists.

Obviously there are workarounds, but this is incredibly annoying and I can’t seem to think of any reason this would be happening. It worked just fine last night. Normal, direct links (i.e. text) works fine (such as devforum links in descriptions), as do things like social media links.

The weirdest things is that avatar items and the like WILL show the option to open in a new tab, but not games.


Occam’s Razor. Don’t attribute to malice what may only be ignorance. They probably didn’t consciously choose to break this functionality. I see this a lot on here and it’s a really unhealthy and counterproductive attitude - please try to keep things respectful :slightly_smiling_face:

Back on topic, I’d like to mention that I also quite like using the middle mouse button to open links in a new tab, so a fix for this would be appreciated.


Happening here too, hovering over Brookhaven does not show it. (you can’t see the mouse as I used Snip & Sketch’s shortcut key Win + Shift + S)

Also happens on your homepage

OS: Windows 10 Home 20H2 (Build 19042.985)
Browser: Microsoft Edge 91.0.864.37 (64-bit)

1 Like

This is infuriating yes but not a malicious nor likely intentional change. :confused:
Note also that player results in search also cannot be middle clicked or new-tabbed, only the portrait image can. Messages in your inbox also cannot be middle clicked whatsoever.


It would be great if Roblox could pay a little more mind to right click functionality on the website with respect to mass results, because this seems to be a common oversight and seriously harms the usability of the website for everyone.


You can also no longer use ctrl + click or right click and do “open in new tab”
A bit annoying…

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Just also realized this today and came to the dev forum to see if anyone else was experiencing this also.

I’m very annoyed as I always, open games & profiles etc in new tabs.

I just hope Roblox re-implements this back.


Sorry if it sounds disrespectful. I am trying my best to be as neutral as possible but it’s very difficult. And let’s be real it isn’t the first time something like this happened.

I probably sound very agitated as I have encountered bugs way too often for my own sanity, you should see the amount of bug reports that I have made.

It’s just so frustrating to do stuff on this platform already and now my day was ruined by this

Again sorry for the negative tone, I’ll do my best to keep it neutral.

Thanks for reminding me :slightly_smiling_face:

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moved: Cant open games in new tab - #5 by Scarious

Full post


We have worked out a way to solve this problem in the meantime. Roblox removed hypertext references for game tiles.

Working Patches

Chrome extension:

Tampermonkey script:

  1. Install tampermonkey:
  2. Add the script written by @Brinker7:


There used to be a hyper text reference located under <a class="game-card-link">, which would link to a game. Roblox recently seems to have created their own system for routing to game places in such a way that they do not make use of a hypertext reference.

That is to say, I’m not so sure that this is a bug, since if it was then the hypertext reference would have just been lost without any other way for us to reach games by clicking on them.

That being said, it makes no sense why Roblox would even consider replacing the previous functionality, as it is extremely user-unfriendly. I mean, just look at how many people are already finding this extraordinarily annoying (including me!)

A possible work-around

Edit: See above for working work-around.

If Roblox is unwilling to return games to its original functionality, it is important to note that both <a class="game-card-link"> and <li class="list-item game-card game-tile"> contain id="UNIVERSE_ID".

The universe id (not to be confused with a place id) can then be used to get the root place id by sending a request to This returns unparsed JSON in string format, and you can get the starter place id by doing[0].rootPlaceId, where result is parsed JSON.

Javascript Sample (for work-around)

If you want to try making your own chrome extension (I will in the future if this functionality does not return anytime soon), you would do something like this:

// hrefs
var hrefCache = {};
var preparing = {};

	Adds a hypertext reference to an element, given a universe id

	@param {Element} element: element to add the href to
	@param {int} id: universe id of the place to add the href to the starter place to
function addHref(element, id) {
	// get idstring and href data
	let idString = id.toString();
	var href = hrefCache[idString];

	// check if href data exists, if it does not then fetch it
	if (href == null && preparing[idString] != true) {
		// make it so we don't make multiple calls
		preparing[idString] = true;

		// call to get universe data
		fetch('' + id).then(r => r.text()).then(result => {
			// Result now contains the response text, do what you want...
			if (result != null) {
				// get href from result
				href = ("/games/" + JSON.parse(result).data[0].rootPlaceId);

				// cache and set href
				hrefCache[idString] = href;
				element.href = href;

			} else {
				// stop preparing (we failed to prepare)
				preparing[idString] = false;

				// try adding again
				addHref(element, id)

		}).catch(() => {
			// stop preparing (we failed to prepare)
			preparing[idString] = false;

			// try adding again
			addHref(element, id)

	// data is cached: use that data
	} else if (href != null) {
		element.href = href;

You would then need to get all current (and future) <a class="game-card-link"> elements, and call addHref() with their element and the id (in this case, id would be I say current and future because of the way Roblox renders various elements in the game carousel (they delete the aforementioned class based on how far you’ve scrolled).

Note: I am not very familiar with javascript, and this is just a possible solution.

Original post

<li class="list-item game-card game-tile"> no longer contains an href="URL" in any of its descendants. Specifically, <a class="game-card-link"> no longer contains a hypertext reference.

This seems to be intended rather than a bug, since something else is now routing you to place links, and <a class="game-card-link"> now contains id="UNIVERSE_ID" instead of href="URL".

Duplicating any game tile on the DOM does not allow you to open said place, and simply creates a broken tile.

This is annoying since numerous people always open things in new tabs. (including me). If roblox does not add this feature back, I might end up making a chrome extension to add the href back to the <a class="game-card-link"> tile.


edit 1: id refers to universe id, not place id, this has been changed in the above. You can use to get the root place id from the universe id (this is JSON).

edit 2: A friend of mine who still happened to have this feature on their browser verified that id="UNIVERSE_ID" was present along with the href in <a class="game-card-link">. Still seems to be a feature, though, as it still routes to games without the href.

edit 3: Re-wrote this post to make it more understandable/readable.

edit 4: Fixed javascript code block to use js syntax highlighting instead of default lua highlighting

edit 5: Added two workaround links, and a TL;DR

edit 6: Merged two duplicate headers into 1 single header. Shortened TL;DR to not include installation, moved working patches (previously working work-arounds) right below TL;DR.

edit 7: Extension approved, added chrome webstore link


Can confirm. I usually use the middle mouse button to open tabs, so this is really annoying. Instead of opening in a new tab, it just opens normally. I’m using Safari on a Mac.