Cant play my own game

I know i was saying that the problem has nothing to do with if it’s private or not

True , It doesn’t have a problem with that. It might be a bug.

ok i need to go but if you guys find and info please tell me bye!

Go to settings and “Configure Experience” then go down to “Places”, see if anything looks funny there.

Is it a group experience or a personal one? If it’s a group experience check your permissions if you’re not the owner. If it’s personal and it’s public both on the website and studio, then I don’t know what to tell you sorry. It’s probably a temporary bug.

The same thing happens to me!
I don’t understand why it is happening either, but it does not let me play any of my own games, giving me the same error. I also attempted to play any of my more recent games (as this error only happens on my new games) on a different account, but still faces the same problem.

Maybe it’s just a bug? I don’t understand either.

I think this is because of Roblox adding the update where you can save the game to Roblox and still be able to make it public.
Mountain side - Roblox - Google Chrome 3_19_2022 1_46_44 PM
This is an example, Roblox made an update where your can save the game to Roblox, so you only saved it, not published it.


how do I publish it??? And why didn’t Roblox give a warning about this…

Go to file, then publish it there.


omg!!! it worked thank you so much!

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Your welcome!