Cant play my own game

Hello! I have a problem, when I try to play my game it says this: “This experience is unavailable because its starting place is unpublished. Publish the starting place to make it available.”

I don’t know what it’s talking about the game is public and published please help.


So you’ve published the game but you can’t play it?


Exactly and it gives me that message

How many times have you tried publishing it ?

Hey check the settings in roblox studio and check permission mb there is friends only or private there.

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it’s public 100% and it’s published

Well I copied the game and tried again still didn’t work

it can be public on site but private in roblox studio settings.

ill go check but im pretty sure its public on both

ok good luck anyway.

yup it’s public on studio I’m so confused

If it’s public on studio i’m so confused too.
It’s too weird.

It may be a roblox bug. Probably wait till it’s fixed (I’m not sure if it’s one)

its been like this for a good 2 days I don’t think its a bug

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It wouldn’t matter because you can play your own games even if they’re private

It doesn’t take 2 days for roblox to fix them. Most of them takes way longer. And you might the first one who reported that.

not in this instance not even i can play it

oh ok in that case ill wait some more time

If people doesn’t really know the reason , It might be a bug.