as the title suggests, I can’t publish my game. I don’t know why, as I have been able to just yesterday and barely added anything today, so I find it strange that it started happening all of a sudden.
BTW its not just the rbxl place shown in the picture, its with the game itself. I made the rbxl file in the first place because that was when the issue started and i needed a backup of the game’s files
Thats can be anything, starting from your device and your WI-FI ending to roblox servers problems.
Can you publish other places? Or is it just this one game? Restarting studio does nothing?
it seems at random
a work around i found was to publish place as, but it only worked sometimes.
if your wifi is slow it’s joever
i guess it’s kinda like if roblox servers had a sort of timeout for publishing/saving (which stinks, it’s really annoying for me, tho team create is an option to help, issue is that if your wifi is slow it will just make your wifi constantly slow as hell but you will be able to save unless your wifi is really that slow)