Can't publish game

A game I develop, Starlit Isles, is giving me trouble with publishing or even saving to Roblox. I have had this occur 12 times today throughout the day, and the output repeatedly gives me “Internal Server Error”. For clarification, I am uploading a file to publish as a game. It is ~110MB.

I have tried reinstalling my Studio, checking my internet is secure and working fine (it’s gigabit), my account has permissions. I am not the only one in the development team to have this issue, as a friend of mine also gets this non-stop, even when he is not uploading a file but is instead publishing straight from the games place, there is an issue.

This is a new issue for me, which started yesterday night. The inability for me to publish means that it is impossible for me to work on my game with 4 total developers, as the file contains all the most up-to-date features ready for testing.

Many thanks, Will.

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Hi, Sorry to hear that. Could you please provide place id and studio logs ? We will look into the failure.

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Just following up here - are you still running into the issue?

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Hey, I am actually having this same exact issue myself, Here goes some screenshots of the errors i am experiencing


  • Some solutions i tried was publishing the place as a new place under the SAME experience. That worked without issue, but my main start place is where i need to be able to publish, and i am unable to do that because of “Internal Server Error”.

  • I Also tried uninstalling and reinstalling roblox studio, but that did not work either.


  • The Green arrow is the successful place, the red arrow is the problem place.

The Place ID of the experience having issues is : 16976630915

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