What do you want to achieve?
I want to be able to successfully publish my place on Roblox so I can continue development.
What is the issue?
Whenever I or anyone else who has access to this place gets this error in output when attempting to publish:
Server Save Failure: HTTP (500): Internal Server Error - Studio
The Adventure auto-recovery file was created - Studio
Server Save Failure: HTTP (500): Internal Server Error - Studio
What solutions have you tried so far?
I have attempted to publish it as a different game, which works, but I cannot publish it from there. I have also waited and tried again at different times over the course of a couple of days. Not only that, but I’ve also completely wiped Roblox from my system and reinstalled to attempt again. If you need more information from me, please LMK!
HTTP 500 always means its a Roblox Server Side Issue.
A very common reason is you don’t have permission to publish changes. If this is the case then you’ll need to ask the Place Owner to publish changes, or grant you permissions to do so.
I don’t think its anything to do with your client, but considering no one else is having this problem, and it is very prolonged, I would recommend contacting roblox support to ask about your issue.
I would also save a local copy of all of your work in case it does get lost.
Some small things you can try and see if it works is:
Reopening Studio
Resetting Internet
Restarting your PC
If none of these work, then all I can say is contact Roblox Support.
Thank you for your input, but by creating a post on this forum, I was hoping to get attention from someone at the support team. Considering, this would only be able to be fixed by them. With the permission concern, the experience owner has attempted to publish the place as well with no avail.
I got the same issue and i also made a devfrom about this 13 days ago still bumping on this issue i contacted roblox support but always the same problem even though this is a Roblox sided issue after 3/4 responses via mail from them the only thing they keep trying to trouble-shoot is my studio settings and stuff that are client sided lol.
this is super annoying and ruining my whole game development process for a game where the whole point of the game is that the server saves and can always be joined. i really dont wanna have to write my own system when there’s supposed to be a roblox feature that does it for me. roblox really sucks at handling its bugs and it really shows recently