Can't Publish, Save, Or Commit Edits. HTTP 500

Studio Is bugged right now Im pretty sure since a-lot other people including me are having this same issues


I’m also experiencing this issue.
Platform: PC, Windows 11


Same problem here, unable to save or use datastore


Experiencing this also, can’t publish or upload assets. This is like the third issue with studio this week D:, hope it gets fixed swiftly.

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this is also happening to me.


Our teams were alerted to the issue and started investigating. Thanks for the report!


Don’t suppose you guys can fix this before 2pm EST? :joy:

I have a scheduled update we’ve been hyping up for weeks

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We take incidents extremely seriously and have people on-call who are alerted whenever they happen around the clock. It will be resolved by our team as soon as possible.


I cant publish or save either dude this is really weird

Atleast its not only me

This started happening to me again about 5 minutes ago. When publishing a place, I get a message in the output saying “Server Publish Failure: HTTP (500): Internal Server Error”

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Same here, I also tried saving my place as a local file and then publishing, but now it displays:
Failed to upload hidden surface removal data. Exceeded limit. Try again in a few minutes. (x15)
along with “publish failed” right after…


Yep, just got the error too:

I had issues editing this game before (opening would show a HTTP 500 error and would say that I need to restart Studio, but besides that it worked completely fine), but since this appears to be happening to everyone I’ll throw my fuel into the fire. I can’t save my game either which is a bit awkward, although it seems like autorecoveries are fine so if I do lose anything I can get it from there.

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Pardon me about bumping, but I’ve just gotten this issue, I switched between multiple internet connections, deleted every Union in my game, and I still get this issue.

Not only that, I get this error on ALL versions of my game. Save file [Error B], real game [Error A], etc. Even downdetector isn’t showing any issues with Roblox.

I quite literally can’t do anything about this, plus, I spent around an hour on my next update, and I do not want to redo it, thus why I created the backup save file.

Even trying to upload the last version of my game (that got uploaded before) doesn’t work, but it does have a different error [Error A].
My most recently created union only had 1 part and 3 negative parts, too.

image Error A


If anybody has any idea how to fix this (or if it’s just a passing thing, which is probably the case, look at Error A), please let me know.

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I’m having the same issue, every time I try to save/publish it prints, as well as creating an auto-recovery file

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Can’t seem to upload any type of mesh either I get "Upload Render Mesh failed. Status Code : 500, plus when attempting to save a place I get Server Save Failure: HTTP (500): Internal Server Error. ROBLOX has constantly been having issues like these when I try to develop the past couple months so frustrating…

Happy Saturday everyone!

My game is spewing these followed by “publish failed”.

See you all again for next weekend’s downtime!


Oof, I appear to be experiencing the same issues over here too. It’s annoying because I don’t want to abandon the changes just I’ve made.

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I am having the same problem. This is amazing having studio go down 2 times in one week!

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