The problem fix now, it was a plugin.
No, that’s because you need to enable third party sales in the game settings.
It’s probably a backdoor or plugin that’s trying to make you buy something.
I believe there is an old version of part cutter, some sort of loader which puts a T-shirt and shirt purchase prompt when you join. Just check over to make sure there are no loader scripts cause they may be dangerous.
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There are some models that will just loop spam the purchase modal.
Noting the screenshot above, that modal won’t show up in-game
@index_l: It is likely a malicious copied version of the plugin, similar to ones botted to the front page
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@iiYuujiKazami Look up on game explorer PromptPurchase or game:GetService(“MarketPlaceService”)
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Ok, i fix the problem. thank you!
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