I want to make an animation run on someone elses game. Both the animation and the game is owned by the same person and is not me. (And yes i have permission to edit his/her game with Roblox Studio)
What is the issue?
When i try to load the animation to the animator of any humanoid, i get the following error: Failed to load animation - sanitized ID: rbxassetid://[AssetID]
What solutions have you tried so far?
I know that Roblox Studio does not allow to run other people’s animations so i do all my testing in that person’s game and from Roblox game itself (not from Roblox Studio). But no matter, it still gives the same error in the console.
If you wonder here is my code:
print("script runs")
local hum:Humanoid = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local animator:Animator = hum:WaitForChild("Animator")
local animation:Animation = script:WaitForChild("Animation")
local track:AnimationTrack = animator:LoadAnimation(animation)
while true do
And here’s the output (As you can see the log is from the game itself, not from Roblox Studio):
Well i don’t know why or how but when we joined to the game with the owner of the game we were able to see that all animations were loaded and working (for everyone in game). Idk why it didn’t work when i joined the game alone but hey, the problem is fixed.
Isn’t that only for Roblox Studio? In game, the animations play if the owner of the animation also is the owner of the game no matter what. And i guess what happened just now (explained in the post solution) proves that. (And luckly we didn’t needed to re-upload again)
Might’ve played because you where actually playing the game and not testing it (Most likely) or a bug/glitch suddenly patched itself (Less likely). Either way, it’s still good for those animations to play.