Can't save "Morph to R15" or "Avatar Scaling Options"

Every time I try to configure my game settings from the develop page to morph the players avatar to r15, hitting the save button reverts it back to the default.

I just noticed this happening today, hasn’t ever happened to me before. The bug happens on both chrome and firefox.


I can’t reproduce this, have you tried disabling all browser extensions to make sure nothing is interfering with the page? If an extension is causing the issue, it wouldn’t be up to Roblox to fix.

If it’s still broken when all extensions are disabled (even the ones you think could not possibly influence anything), please add a link to the game that you are trying to change this setting on, in case it may be relevant.

I can’t reproduce the bug anymore either, so I have no idea what caused it. I don’t think it was from a browser extension since it happened on firefox too and I don’t have any extras installed on firefox. Spooky.

I had the same error yesterday

Okay, so I went into one of my R6 games (we started dev before r15) to enable Studio API Services in the test place, and the Avatar Type had changed back to User Choice. So I changed it back to R6 and pressed save, but then it just went straight back to User Choice. I’ve tried refreshing, new tabs, etc all that jazz, but nothing seems to work? Will update if I fix.


It seems to have fixed by itself?

Hello everyone,

Thank you for reporting this issue to us. We are currently looking into it.

Saving the “configure game” page more than once without reloading it will fail. It will be fixed soon. Sorry for the confusion.


This is fixed now. Let me know if it happens again.


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