I bought a bunch of VIP servers months ago, but the list doesn’t show all of them. This means I can’t cancel all of them, so I’m pretty sure I’m being charged a lot of Robux every month outside of my control because I can’t see them to cancel them.
VIP server list 'Load More' button seems to stop after 20 total servers are listed. Even if it did let me see all of them, I get invited to hundreds of VIP servers so it’d be a pain to find them all anyway.
If any engineers want to inspect my situation, these are my VIP servers under Jailbreak.
I’m sure there’s lots of people who forget that they enabled a subscription and wonder why their Robux is disappearing every month. A visible list of your VIP servers would not only encourage users to use their VIP server more, but remember where they actually have one.
Hey badcc, is this issue still happening? We fixed a VIP server issue where we weren’t loading servers correctly, which would explain why it only loaded some servers for you.
We just wanted to verify with you before closing it out.