The looped property is set to true while all of the other properties other than the soundid is at default. Yet it is not being looped. The sound is being ‘:play()’ by a script in serverscriptservice with the sound in a folder inside of workspace.
Do I need to put the script inside of workspace for the sound to loop?
The original script has the seconds set to value to 1 minute and 30 seconds. If it were 1 second later, the stop() would have stopped the music, not stopping it from looping.
I placed the play() before it changed the status to ingame yet it is still not looping.
I placed a script with only script.Parent.MapMusic:Play() on it inside of workspace, yet it is still not looping. even with all of the requirements for it to loop.
May just be a studio bug. I can find ways to get around this issue