I tried to select move on top of studio when animating in “Animation Editor”
What is the issue? but animation editor saying “Click here to continue using animation editor”
What solutions have you tried so far? I didnt see someone have this problem on forum
hit the Ctrl+2 or Ctrl+3 keys on ur keyboard
Press R to switch between the move and rotate tools, I believe Roblox recently changed how the clicking outside the ACE window works.
no, if i click ctrl 2 animation editor saying “click here blah blah blah”
bruh thank you , i made a post about this like a few days ago but it got deleted
im not sure why but this is not working for me. Edit: Nvm, sorry I got it working.
i pressed R and its not switching to move for some reason, any help?
Edit: Worked now somehow
that does the exact same thing, closing the animation editor. you never encountered this problem have you?
Some people are saying pressing R doesn’t work. If it isn’t working, click on the Animation Editor tab and then try pressing R again, should do the trick
They actually fixed it now, also not anymore Ctrl but just 1, 2, 3, 4 instead of holding Ctrl with numbers to select rotation tool, move tool, scale, etc