Can't select objects even though they are not locked

So I’m trying to create an FPS game, but when I tried to edit the viewmodel, something weird happened. I couldn’t select the model or any of the parts. I checked if Locked was set to true but for every object, it was set to false. When I tried ungrouping the model the parts still couldn’t be selected. The only way I could select it was through the explorer or drag selecting. This only happened to my viewmodel and everything else can be selected normally. I also restarted Studio but the same result has occurred.

Is there a way that I could fix this issue or is this a bug in Studio?


This is because of collision groups. Set it to the default collision group for it to be selected.

I’m guessing the view model arms have a collision group with collision to default disabled. Consequently this messes up with the raycasting during selection and such.