Can't select parts in Roblox Studio

The problem is that I really want to continue working on that specific “bugged” game, however the bug is slowing down me a lot.

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Use this plugin to see if you have any viruses in your place.

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I highly doubt that. Viruses that stem from scripts can only run during play, and if it was a malicious plugin, that’d be near undetectable.


To OP (@mrwhy123),

I downloaded the place. This is 99% an engine bug. There are no GUIs in the way, no Studio features that cover selections have been disabled (e.g. locking the parts). The instances are fine too, pasting them into another game makes them selectable again.


How do you think I should go about this bug?

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  1. Try copying your parts (you can just select all children of workspace, right-click workspace) to a guranteed to be working game. If that works, then you’re set, you can do the same with scripts.

  2. Find some way to report the bug. Since you can’t get the Regular trust level, there might be some group on this forum you can contact. If there isn’t, I have no clue, but I’m sure there is someone to take your report, if there isn’t anyone even on this forum, you should go to the Roblox contact form and see if you can report it there.


I’ll try this, and if I have any more problems then I’ll return to this thread. Thanks.


Finally finished migrating my game into a new one, and albeit it was annoying, everything seems to be fixed. Thanks! Hopefully this game won’t randomly run into this bug again.


Did you end up emailing support? Just experienced this issue in my game and the only way to fix it was to painfully migrate it all to another place.

Still seems to be an issue. Very annoying…


Yup just happened to me, sad now :frowning:


Can confirm moving scripts and models to a new place does fix it.

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Yeah, I just downloaded everything to a file and put it in another game.

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Ok i found out whats really happening… I had an invisible GUI that was in the way… turn it off and everything gets back to normal…

I didn’t have UI in the way so it must’ve been an engine bug.

Very late reply, but yes I did end up emailing Roblox support. They gave me extremely vague answers that provided little help, so I caved in and migrated my game entirely to a new file.

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I had the exact same bug, but I am not sure if it stems from the same cause. The bug was caused by the Collision Groups Panel for me. If you deactivate the group name “Default” from interacting with “Default,” then you will lose the ability to select parts. I found two solutions to this:

  1. Turning “Default” collisions back on for the part.
  2. Reverting back in version history to a time prior to it.

If you are unsure or cannot remember if you did this, I would recommend simply selecting all parts and toggling collision groups for “Default” to on.


I just found a solution this might be the cause of your problem, but did you mess around with Collision Group if so under Model > Collision Group > Default and make sure it’s checked.

Had the exact same issue, and this managed to solve it! They really gotta fix that collision group bug…