Can't select sub places on the new error report page

Posting this bug for @RivenCharlotte since he experienced it as first Can't select "Places" in error report

So if you go to the new live errors report in creator hub and you want to select a sub place you just can’t select the sub place trough there are and the errors definitely coming from sub places


  1. Go to a experience with one sub place under a group you own

  2. Go to the live errors psge

  3. Select a sub place

4 see that you can’t select sub places and the dropdown is inactive

Expected behavior


Be able to select sub places

A private message is associated with this bug report

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I’m not posting for them only he got the big as first

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Thanks for the report. We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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Hi. sorry for the late reply. This issue should have been fixed now.