Whenever I try selling a developer product for my game it will prompt it and then it says your purchase has failed. Third party sales are on too

It will only sell when im in studio. It doesn’t work in game.
Whenever I try selling a developer product for my game it will prompt it and then it says your purchase has failed. Third party sales are on too
It will only sell when im in studio. It doesn’t work in game.
This, I don’t think is a bug in your code, but rather with Roblox’s servers. Try checking status.roblox.com or directly contact Roblox Support.
This has been happening for over 2 months now, and only when I changed the developer products
Then this could either be a coincidence, or some other issue I don’t quite know what it could be.
can you give your script?
You have published the game… right? Sorry I just need to check.
How does he test in-game without… publishing it?
You don’t have to publish the game to test it in studio.
What method are you using to prompt purchases to players?
Check the moderation status of the product in question. My best guess is that something happened and Roblox found either the image or text of the product to be bad and blocked sales.
…Yes, I know that. I thought OP was referring “in-game test” to testing through the Roblox Player (not using the built-in studio player).