Cant spawn object when clicking GUI

Hi! I want to make a gui button that spawns a car when clicked. when i spawn it the car looks like this:

but if i place it right in the workspace it looks like this:

car name is Aerox c
script for spawning car:

local button = script.Parent
local carfld = game.ReplicatedStorage.Cars

	local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
	local car = carfld["Aerox C"]:Clone()
	car.Parent = workspace

try something like

local car = carfld["Aerox C"]:Clone()
car.Parent = workspace

is the car also getting welded maunually or is it getting welded by a script?

I took a toolbox because I couldn’t model a car. i dont have Blender, but I will see it in the scripts

do objects in folders not clone?

everything can be cloned inside a folder

yes i realised that. i would try watching a video

i think its because im cloning in the local script. I dont know how to use remote events properly

Create RemoteEvent inside of ReplicatedStorage. (Name it like SpawnCar)

Client Side Script:

local button = script.Parent
local remote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("RemoteEvent") -- replace with ur RemoteEvent Name
local db = true

	if db == false then return end
	db = false
	remote:FireServer("Aerox C") -- data
	task.wait(2) -- cooldown
	db = true

Server Side Script (Supposed to be in ServerScriptService):

local remote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("RemoteEvent") -- replace with ur RemoteEvent Name
local carfld = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Cars")

remote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, data)
	local car = carfld:FindFirstChild(data)
	if not car then warn(`couldn't find {data}`) return end
	local clone = car:Clone()
	clone.Parent = workspace

However, I do not recommend sending data from the client to the server, as this allows exploiters to send arbitrarily manipulated data.

that worked thanks! what would exploiters do in a cloning script anyway?

They can send the name of the vehicle they do not own by sending manipulated data.