Cant steer my car

Im making a tank for my game and the only thing i need for it, is that im able to drive it. I can drive but i cant steer


You need some combination of RemoteEvents or SetNetworkOwner for sending control signals to the vehicle, some kind of Force like VectorForce for actually moving it, either on the client or on the server, and some input scheme such as UserInputService or ContextActionService. I don’t remember which I used for this but heres an example: Very basic car - Roblox

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well i tried to use such script but they dont work for some reason

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Had to redo the wheels but it kinda works now, the wheels just bounce around and spin off center

nvm the constrains were off center, moved them and now it works

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When working with constraints they always have to be the exact same position to prevent glitches. Anyways, I’m glad you got it working

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after a bit of trying things out, i got everything working, but the tank doesnt turn, as you can see in the video, you can also see what it should kinda look like. Can anybody help?