Can't stop the FallingDown Humanoid state

i’m making a speed simulator where you collect orbs to gain speed, but if you run fast into a wall or something thats bigger than ur avatar it trips down and activates the Falling down humanoid state and after a while it changes to GettingUp but i tried to make it change instantly to GettingUp but it won’t change i did

Humanoid.StateChanged:Connect(function(_, newState)
			if newState == Enum.HumanoidStateType.FallingDown then

that also seems to not work, i tried enabling physics but that didn’t help

Humanoid:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Physics, true)

i want the character to not trip at all

Boost :frowning: if you have further questions you can ask

I found the issue, it turns out you have to do it on a local script for it to work!

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