Can't turn with BodyVelocity

I’m making a dashing system that adds a BodyVelocity whenever you dash, but I’m not able to turn sideways while dashing. Is there a way to fix this?

Heres my dash function:

function dash(side, front)
	local DashVelocity ="BodyVelocity")
	DashVelocity.MaxForce =,0,math.huge)
	DashVelocity.P = 99
	DashVelocity.Parent = hrp
	DashVelocity.Velocity = hrp.CFrame.LookVector * (front * 50) + hrp.CFrame.RightVector * (side * 50) 
	game.Debris:AddItem(DashVelocity, .20)
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Try this with a humanoid.

DashVelocity.Velocity = humanoid.MoveDirection * 50

MoveDirection represents the direction in which the humanoid is attempting to walk. So, this will work for all directions.

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Use a LinearVelocity instead of a BodyVelocity.

You can edit the properties of the LinearVelocity so it applies force relative to an attachment (in this case, your character’s RootRigAttachment.)

**Also, these should be the properties needed (sorry if it’s wrong, this is from memory):

  • Set Attachment0 to the RootRigAttachment (in the HumanoidRootPart)
  • Set ActuatorRelativeTo to “Attachment0”
  • Set VectorVelocity to, 0,- speed) (speed being how fast the dash is)

You may have to experiment with the VectorVelocity and MaxForces, but this should do the trick.

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you must constantly update the velocity of the dash in order to achieve a turning effect:

function dash(side, front)
	local DashVelocity ="BodyVelocity")
	DashVelocity.MaxForce =,0,math.huge)
	DashVelocity.P = 99
	DashVelocity.Parent = hrp
		DashVelocity.Velocity = hrp.CFrame.LookVector * (front * 50) + hrp.CFrame.RightVector * (side * 50) 
	until wait(1)
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