Can't type in textboxes which are placed on SurfaceGuis

I made a Part with a SurfaceGui on it and in the SurfaceGui is a Textbox, I changed nothing, but I am not able to click on the Textbox and type something.

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Try parenting the SurfaceGui to the PlayerGui and set the Adornee property to the part.

Need help?

  1. Place the SurfaceGui inside StarterGui

  2. Place this LocalScript inside StarterGui:

local SurfaceGuiName = "SurfaceGui" -- Choose
local Part = game.Workspace.Part -- Choose

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local PlayerGui = Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
local SurfaceGui = PlayerGui:WaitForChild(SurfaceGuiName)

SurfaceGui.Adornee = Part

Try adding a Frame to the surface GUI, then a text box inside the frame

SurfaceGuis need to be in PlayerGui (either directly placed there or copied via StarterGui) to capture user input, text box or otherwise. It’s got nothing to do with swearing. Text boxes are modified by clients, so other clients can’t see what’s written on them to begin with because client-side changes to the Text property don’t replicate as per the client-server model.

cc @bluddbrain

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