Can't update Icons for certain badges (Failed to Update Icon / Unknown Error, please try again later.)

Reproduction Steps

Using the Chrome browser, I…

Method 1:

  1. Click on the 3 dots in the top right, hit “Configure” on this page: Soft Snow - Roblox
  2. Select an Image from your Computer / drag an icon (I’ve tried both)
  3. Hit Save at the bottom of the page
    Result = A red pop up at the top of the page says “Failed to Update Icon”.

I’ve also tried the new badge editor in

Method 2:

  1. I click “Associated Items” on the game’s page
  2. I have to click on a random newer generated badge, then manually put in the older badge’s ID on this page because the scroll doesn’t generate badges far enough to when the effected one was created (this page only shows the newest 36 badges, but that’s a separate issue)
  3. I click “Basic Settings” on the left side of the page
  4. Click the “Change” button to change the icon
  5. Upload the new icon
  6. Hit “Save Changes”
    Result = Underneath the Save button, it says in red writing: “Unknown Error, please try again later.”

Expected Behavior

The Badge’s icon should update to the new icon/ start going through moderation.

Actual Behavior

Method 1 Result:
A red pop up at the top of the page that says “Failed to Update Icon”.

Method 2 Result:
Underneath the Save button it says in red writing: “Unknown Error, please try again later.”
unknown error

This bug seems to happen randomly on old and new badges alike where I cannot update the badge icon. I’ve had this issue impact two of my badges now, one created on Aug 19, 2022 and another on Nov 30, 2018 (badge links listed above). Unlike the icon, I can still update the title and description.
I’ve created a new badge on an alternate account just to test if there is something wrong with the new icon I’m uploading, however it worked perfectly as intended; it went through moderation and got accepted.

This is the new icon I’m trying to upload:


For the newer badge that had the issue, after waiting about a month to see if it would fix itself, I had to create a brand new badge with the new icon. I then created a script in the game that checks if they own the old badge, and if they do, give them the new badge instead, then archive the old badge. This messes with several things though, including the authenticity of when they truly achieved the badge, among other things, such as older users not signing in to receive the newest badge. So I cannot use this workaround on our 2018 ultra rare badge.

Issue Area: Roblox Website
Page URL: Soft Snow - Roblox Top Contributor! - Roblox
Impact: High
Frequency: Rarely
Date First Experienced: 2022-09-01 00:09:00 (-07:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2022-10-20 15:10:00 (-07:00)


This issue is becoming a very large problem for my game. I do not wish to create a new badge, as they were made in a specific order to be correct.

This is the error that happens for me, same as the original post:

After further analyzing the network requests being made, I have seen that the badge gives me an internal server error when making the post request.

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Thanks for reporting this issue. We filed a ticket to our internal database.


The issue is still not fixed, I’ve written a message to roblox support about half a year ago and they’ve said that they will look into it, and nothing happened.


Try submitting to @Bug-Support, they seem to not care if you report it to their email lol

If you change the badge’s icon and replace the name with a random letter, and then click ‘Save Changes’, no error will occur. And then you can change badge’s name to whatever it was before. ← That worked for me


(I get Unknown Error, please try again later. Description could not be saved. Please try again.) when trying to change my experience description.