Can't Update Roblox Studio

Hello DevForum, it’s ben a long time since the last time I’ve been here, and now I ask for your help, so, because I’ve been inactive on Roblox for months, a lot of things must’ve happened, so Studio obviously must update, but, whenever I try redownloading it from it stops, it tries to go for like 1-2 minutes then it trows an error:

If problem persist, please send the log file [Censored] to Roblox for assistance

I seriously want to get back, but I can’t because of this, if you need to know, I’m on MacBook Air, Chip Apple M1, 8GB memory, Avviation Disk Macintosh HD, macOS Ventura 13.1

Thanks in advance for your help

Have you tried uploading it from Roblox when you go to the create tab and open a place?

I’ve heard of some issues relating to 32 or 64 bit clients.

Try the Search button up top to see if you get a solution from other posts in the past few months.

And welcome back!!!

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What do you mean by uploading? Did you mean update? If yes I didn’t try, also, would you happen to know how I can see if my client is 32 or 64 bit? Thanks

Not my area of knowledge, I’ve just seen other posts commenting lately about Studio updating, freezing or crashing.

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BTW I’ve just seen a topic of someone having the same problem with another solution, gonna tray that, I tried opening an experience and it says it’s not up-to-date

Thank you so much!

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I have an update, it seems all MacBooks since 2007 are 64 bit, meaning that according to your source, I am now unable to run it on my MacBook, right? Or did I misunderstood?
More updates:
This is very weird, but I cleared the trash can after putting Roblox and Roblox Studio in it, and they’re still on the bottom bar, now I try to reinstall
It worked!
Thank you so much @Scottifly, I won’t be able to thank you enough!
(Just noticed your Username is actually Scottifly and not Scottify :rofl:)

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Hehe, I’ve been called worse!

Sometimes the simplest of things works. From what I understand there’s a Byfron update that requires 64 bit and some computers don’t like it as far as Studio goes. I’ve also seen comments about running different graphics modes (beyond my knowledge, seems to be a Studio setting) that causes Studio to start working for some people.

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Okay thanks for the info, but don’t worry, problem’s solved, even though more info is always appreciated!


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