I can’t seem to be able to upload a place with terrain greater than 4k x 4k to roblox, it just takes a couple minutes and then errors with no message. I was working on a heightmap that was imported at 8k x 8k, but 6k x 6k doesn’t upload either. Occasionally with the terrain that large it even fails to save properly. Rarely the 4k x 4k generated terrain fails to upload as well. The 8k x 8k terrain roblox file is 35mb, the 6k x 6k is 22 mb, and the 4k map is 13 mb which seems high because the automatic terrain generator can create a map that size and the file size is only 3.4mb.
My internet upload isn’t great so it would take a while to upload a file that large, but why is it being timed out by roblox? I have no issue uploading the file to any other service. It’s looking like I’m going to have to get a much better internet plan or reduce the size and elevation of my terrain vastly to be able to put the thing on roblox. Alternatively, is there any trick to getting a smaller file size with terrain?
Edit: I’ve found that heightmap imported terrain generally has much larger file sizes than handmade or auto-generated terrain. I don’t know why this is but my guess is it’s because the heightmap terrain is hollow - studio has to save complex terrain on top of and below the map instead of just having a flat bottom. Regardless of what causes it, this is something that should be improved with the heightmap importer.