Can't Upload Rigged Avatars, Keep Getting Errors

I’ve been trying to upload a few test avatars to animate and turn into playable characters, but I keep getting strange errors when using the “Import 3D” button even when following a video made recently and using the exact same avatar from Mixamo. I’ve tried different places, different models, different everything and keep getting the same generic error. Anyone have any idea what’s going on?

Also, when combining all meshes in the 3D importer, it works fine.

Update: It has something to do with the textures, not sure what. I’ll keep playing around with it.

Update 2: So, the model had a few unnecessary animation clips that needed to be removed, alongside the original textures attached to each mesh. Very strange that it refuses to upload these, will keep testing.

Update 3: I’m theorizing it has something to do with the given name of the textures from Blender, specifically the “.002” part maybe throwing off something in Studio.

I don’t think the .002 would mess anything up. Several people on the forum use Blender and i think someone could have noticed if this caused an issue by now. (I could be wrong tho, what happens when you remove them?)

as for your problems…



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I ended up getting it to work, but those error codes mean nothing to me. Basically, removing the textures and the extra animation tracks made it import and I could add the textures on after the fact no problem. I was having no network issues at the time of uploading and the “invalid syntax” is way too vague to actually mean anything.

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