Can't view friends due to "CacheStore" exceeding the LocalStorage quota

When user views someone’s friends, views their friend requests, or anything that involves thumbnails, the “BatchRequestProcessor” will continue to fill up data in LocalStorage until it hits browser’s set storage quota, and fail, and as a side effect, things break.

Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Failed to execute 'setItem' on 'Storage': Setting the value of 'CacheStore:BatchRequestProcessor::friends:312423083:undefined:undefined:undefined:undefined' exceeded the quota.

Browser: Chrome Version 122.0.6261.71 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Operating System: Windows 11


Thanks for the report! We’ll investigate and follow up with updates.

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Hey! I experienced this too with lots of website pages with thumbnails (notably the avatar editor, group pages, and friends lists). Looking in console, I received a similar error (Failed to execute ‘setItem’ on ‘Storage’). For reference, I’m using Microsoft Edge on Windows 11, however I believe the browser is Chromium-based, so this may still be relevant to you.

After doing a bit of searching, I tried clearing the local storage for Roblox through the developer console, which seemed to fix it (albeit possibly temporarily). I will attach a link to a quick guide showing how to do this yourself. I hope you find this useful:

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It’s temporary fix, because the issue is that BatchRequestProcessor continues to fill up storage with cache until it hits the limit. Most people don’t notice this, because they don’t look through enough thumbnails, but they will eventually see it.

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This been happening for so long now, but because i don’t have Regular i wasn’t able to make a post about it.
I’m glad a Regular finally was aware of this bug and reported it.

My developer discussion post that got taken down, when i tried to notify staff about this a few weeks ago: