Can't write a "." when writing a single value

So the issue for me is that I cannot write a dot when writing a single value in studio (properties). So let us say that I want to change the transparency of a part from “0” to “0.5”. The issue for me is that I cannot use a dot (.) symbol, I must use a comma (,). However whenever I hit enter it change the comma to a dot.

Now this is only an issue with single values like transparency, reflectance, positions, size and rotation if you choose one of the axis (position axis like just Z or just X or just Y, not when you have all three axis).

However whenever I choose a three value, such as position, rotation or reflectance (when you have all three ax

ten as “1.1, 2.2, 3.3”, I’m able to use both commas and dots.

Now I’m Swedish so this is most likely a bug caused by me having a different keyboard. But I figured I’d at least leave a little note about this. It isn’t a big problem, but it is more or less just an annoying thing and new users might be confused about it.


Related threads that were never addressed:

This is harming the workflow of everyone who uses a version of any operating system that displays numbers as “1,5” instead of “1.5”.

So what’s the expected behavior here?

Basically I want to be able to write the correct input, when I want it to be a value of “15.55” (pay attention to the dot) I am forced to write “15,55”. The comma is converted to a dot once I hit enter.

I’m supposed to be able to use a dot when writing a single value.


If you’re on Windows, you can go to Control Panel / Region and Language, there’s an “Additional Settings” button on the “Formats” tab. That will allow you to change the decimal separator to “.”.

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Oh, that is strange. I didn’t have to do this earlier but all right it works, thanks.


Okay, but that solution is like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. This changes how my entire operating system displays decimal values, just because of the fact that there is some inconsistency in the code/libraries of ROBLOX such that it uses functionality of the operating system to scan single value numbers, and subsequently displaying them using the dot presentation regardless of the operating system’s settings.

I use other files and applications (that I share with others) that rely on the comma representation rather than the dot representation, and it is bothersome to switch between comma and dot representation whenever I want to work in studio (often I work in both at the same time). Could you consider enforcing the dot representation when scanning single numerical values from the Properties window rather than relying on the operating system’s settings for scanning these?

“Then why don’t you just use the dot representation everywhere instead?”, because that’s how we display numbers in Europe and I work with people who aren’t familiar with the dot representation, I can’t change that.


Either use the user’s locale for both of displaying and parsing properties, or neither.

Either probably works, but displaying without and parsing with is just bad.

Not using the locale for either might actually be the best here, to keep consistency with Lua, but anything is better than mixed.

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Yeah, my thought exactly. There’s no way you can tell Lua to use “,” for numbers, because foo(1,2) becomes ambiguous.

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