Hi, sorry if this topic was already made of if I sound new, because I’m not. Anyways, I’ve had a question. I’m making a really big game called Omega (Based on Cyberpunk and GTA 5)
Anyways, I’ve been looking to hire people, and I noticed people use the Collaboration topic to hire people or advertise themselves. I was wondering why I can’t write there and what I need to do to be able to.
Please reply as fast as you can, as this matter is important for me.
Well, first, you should find the collaboration section of the DevFourm. If you make a topic, scroll and find the topic ‘hiring’ (or something like that). That should be how you do it.
EDIT: What @sjr04 should be good for your problem.
There is your problem. You are in #collaboration, the base category for the Recruitment and Portfolios categories. You can’t directly post in #collaboration.
Try Create Topic > Category: #collaboration:recruitment. Does the issue still persist there? Can you select Recruitment as a category when creating a topic from the home page
Clearly your doing something wrong yourself. Nobody else is having any issues. Is it possible you have to complete the @discobot tutorial before posting? I see you don’t have the badge yet.