Canvas group becomes invisible

I recently made a UI that replicates
thing is something is stopping me from making one spesific thing that i need to animate and that is this
This is what i use for the script to animate it

local Open = function()
	_G.Opened = true
	game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(_G.Creators,,Enum.EasingStyle.Circular),{GroupTransparency = 0,Size =, 250,0, 250),Position =, 0,0.247, 0),AnchorPoint =,0)}):Play()

local Close =  function()
	_G.Opened = false
	game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(_G.Creators,,Enum.EasingStyle.Circular),{GroupTransparency = 0,Size =, _G.Creators.Size.X,0, _G.Creators.Size.Y),Position =, 0,0.247, 0),AnchorPoint =,0)}):Play()

But this is what happens when i click it

The black thing is a shadow i put on the thing so it doesnt have to do anything with the canvas
please let me know if this is a bug or not i cant seem to find a solution

I don’t exactly know what it may be from the little code you gave but, I’m pretty sure you’d have been able to write that without using any global variables.

Im using global variables to easily use the animation in different scripts

Go into a play test like you did before → click the button → then go to players → PlayerGui → and look into ur canvasUI. Screen shot the properties of it. Are you sure you’re setting the right anchor point? Is it being destroyed? Is the sizing or positioning out frame?

still exists
i removed anchor point and it still does the same thing

also this is another thing i noticed before animating the canvas group which made me think is a bug

it automaticly gets reverted back after i rejoin studio
also if i test it while its in that form it changes

Is it getting put behind the other UIs? Try messing with the layout order.

i think i found the main bug and a bit of a solution to it
if i scale the canvas group to 0,0 then it will fully bug out and not show anymore


i managed to change the animation as i would do that either way
and now doesnt have any type of disappearance bug or anything


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