Canvas groups do not render ImageLabels in Pixelated ResampleMode with Slice ScaleType correctly

Canvas groups seem to mess with images in Pixelated ResampleMode and Slice ScaleType, here in this image you can see what I mean

I have done small tests with the same images in other ScaleTypes and it does not appear to happen.

Setting the rotation of the canvas group to slightly above 0 seems to fix this issue. However, anything above like .00001 will cause it again.

This is with a Rotation of .000001

This is with a Rotation of 4

Here is a file of a baseplate and some of the ui from my game to display the issue
Canvasgroup rendering bug.rbxl (77.0 KB)

Expected behavior

It’s excepted that these images would render correctly no matter the ResampleMode or ScaleType especially at a rotation of 0.

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