CanvasDraw - A powerful pixel-based graphics engine (Draw pixels, lines, triangles, read/modify image data, and much more!)

Oh, that’s odd. You should be able to draw on the entire surface. Just as long as it’s a either the front of back part of a surface GUI

Is this for version 4.0?? cause if so then please do free to send the fix! I will mention you as a contributor!

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Yes it indeed is, it actually took me some time to find the exact cause of the issue, it does not happen usually. The issue happens when you put a surface inside a ScreenGui. I don’t have an exact explanation on why the Mouse position bugs happen if for that specific scenario, but I suppose its because the ScreenGui affects the absolute sizes and positions very weirdly.

Here is a video of mine showcasing it
Watch 0531 | Streamable

Fixed function + place showcasing the issue/bug

	function Canvas:GetMousePoint(): Vector2?
		if RunService:IsClient() then
			local MouseLocation = UserInputService:GetMouseLocation()
			local GuiInset = game.GuiService:GetGuiInset()

			local CanvasFrameSize = self.CurrentCanvasFrame.AbsoluteSize
			local FastCanvasFrameSize = self.CurrentCanvasFrame.FastCanvas.AbsoluteSize
			local CanvasPosition = self.CurrentCanvasFrame.AbsolutePosition

			local SurfaceGui = Frame:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("SurfaceGui")

			MouseLocation -= GuiInset

			if not SurfaceGui then
				-- Gui
				local MousePoint = MouseLocation - CanvasPosition

				local TransformedPoint = (MousePoint / FastCanvasFrameSize) -- Normalised

				TransformedPoint *= self.Resolution -- Canvas space

				-- Make sure everything is aligned when the canvas is at different aspect ratios
				local RatioDifference = Vector2New(CanvasFrameSize.X / FastCanvasFrameSize.X, CanvasFrameSize.Y / FastCanvasFrameSize.Y) - Vector2New(1, 1)
				TransformedPoint -= (RatioDifference / 2) * self.Resolution
				local UnroundedVec = TransformedPoint
				local RoundX = math.ceil(TransformedPoint.X)
				local RoundY = math.ceil(TransformedPoint.Y)
				TransformedPoint =, RoundY)
				-- If the point is within the canvas, return it.
				--if TransformedPoint.X > 0 and TransformedPoint.Y > 0 and TransformedPoint.X <= self.CurrentResX and TransformedPoint.Y <= self.CurrentResY then
					return TransformedPoint
				-- SurfaceGui
				local Part = SurfaceGui.Adornee or SurfaceGui:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("BasePart") 
				local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera

				local FastCanvasFrame = Frame:FindFirstChild("FastCanvas")

				if Part and FastCanvasFrame then
					local mouse = UserInputService:GetMouseLocation()
					local params =
					params.FilterDescendantsInstances = {Part}
					params.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Include

					local unitRay = Camera:ViewportPointToRay(mouse.X, mouse.Y)
					unitRay =, unitRay.Direction*1000)

					local result = workspace:Raycast(unitRay.Origin, unitRay.Direction) --, params) you can enable them but my system does not need it

					if result and result.Instance == Part then
						local topleftCFrame = Part.CFrame *, Part.Size.Y/2, -Part.Size.Z/2)
						local mouseCFrame = CFrame.lookAt(result.Position, result.Position+(result.Normal or * CFrame.Angles( 0, 0, math.rad(90) )
						local RelCF = topleftCFrame:ToObjectSpace(mouseCFrame)
						local res = self.Resolution

						return RoundPoint(
							math.clamp( math.abs(RelCF.X)/Part.Size.X*res.X, 0, res.X ),
							math.clamp( math.abs(RelCF.Y)/Part.Size.Y*res.Y, 0, res.Y )

					--[[ old method
					if Result then
						local Normal = Result.Normal
						local IntersectionPos = Result.Position

						if VectorFuncs.normalVectorToFace(Part, Normal) ~= SurfaceGui.Face then

						-- Credits to @Krystaltinan for some of this code
						local hitCF = CFrame.lookAt(IntersectionPos, IntersectionPos + Normal)

						local topLeftCorners = VectorFuncs.getTopLeftCorners(Part)
						local topLeftCFrame = topLeftCorners[SurfaceGui.Face]

						local hitOffset = topLeftCFrame:ToObjectSpace(hitCF)

						local ScreenPos =

						-- Ensure the calculations work for all faces
						if SurfaceGui.Face == Enum.NormalId.Front or SurfaceGui.Face == Enum.NormalId.Back then
							ScreenPos -= / 2, Part.Size.Y / 2)
							ScreenPos /=, Part.Size.Y)
							return -- Other faces don't seem to work for now

						local PositionalOffset
						local AspectRatioDifference = FastCanvasFrameSize / CanvasFrameSize
						local SurfaceGuiSizeDifference = SurfaceGui.AbsoluteSize / CanvasFrameSize


						local PosFixed = ScreenPos +, 0.5) -- Move origin to top left

						ScreenPos = PosFixed * SurfaceGui.AbsoluteSize -- Convert to SurfaceGui space

						ScreenPos -= CanvasPosition

						local TransformedPoint = (ScreenPos / FastCanvasFrameSize) -- Normalised

						TransformedPoint *= self.Resolution -- Canvas space
						TransformedPoint +=, 0.5)

						-- Make sure everything is aligned when the canvas is at different aspect ratios
						local RatioDifference = Vector2New(CanvasFrameSize.X / FastCanvasFrameSize.X, CanvasFrameSize.Y / FastCanvasFrameSize.Y) - Vector2New(1, 1)
						TransformedPoint -= (RatioDifference / 2) * self.Resolution
						TransformedPoint = RoundPoint(TransformedPoint)

						-- If the point is within the canvas, return it.
						if TransformedPoint.X > 0 and TransformedPoint.Y > 0 and TransformedPoint.X <= self.CurrentResX and TransformedPoint.Y <= self.CurrentResY then
							return TransformedPoint

						return TransformedPoint
			OutputWarn("Failed to get point from mouse (you cannot use this function on the server. Please call this function from a client script).")

Here is the testing place (118.6 KB)

So yea I hope my contribution was helpful for those with or without the issue.
If there is anything you need to know feel free to ask

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Your use case of having a SurfaceGui in a BillboardGui is a really rare. And your fix is almost perfect, but you forgot to take into account the frame’s possible size and offset in the SurfaceGUI as shown below:

This probably explains why my version was so lengthy, but if you could add this into your code I will be sure to implement this into the next version and mention you!

Also thanks for that detailed explanation! The effort you put into this is nice, highly appreciate it!

I completely agree that the use case here is pretty rare, I was confused when I did not happen to have the issue when trying to replicate it on a testing place. It took me a few hours determining the issue but I got it.

Thank you for your response, I’ll see how I can implement the offset checks without breaking the function again

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Alright awesome! If you manage to keep it quite a bit shorter than the original one even with those extra checks, ill definitely add that contribution. Also a hint to help you with that:

AbsoluteSize, AbsolutePosition, Percentages of 0 to 1

Shouldn’t be too hard to implement, I’d probably figure out how to it myself, but I just don’t have the time today. Thanks again for your help!

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You’re welcome, so I have tried making sure that it takes offsets in consideration but with no success. I only managed to make sure that there is no weird offset if the scale is 1,0,1,0 or not but if the position is not 0,0,0,0 then there is a huge mouse offset which I tried to get fixed but I can’t figure out how:

	function Canvas:GetMousePoint(): Vector2?
		if RunService:IsClient() then
			local MouseLocation = UserInputService:GetMouseLocation()
			local GuiInset = game.GuiService:GetGuiInset()

			local CanvasFrameSize = self.CurrentCanvasFrame.AbsoluteSize
			local FastCanvasFrameSize = self.CurrentCanvasFrame.FastCanvas.AbsoluteSize
			local CanvasPosition = self.CurrentCanvasFrame.AbsolutePosition

			local SurfaceGui = Frame:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("SurfaceGui")

			MouseLocation -= GuiInset

			if not SurfaceGui then
				-- Gui
				local MousePoint = MouseLocation - CanvasPosition

				local TransformedPoint = (MousePoint / FastCanvasFrameSize) -- Normalised

				TransformedPoint *= self.Resolution -- Canvas space

				-- Make sure everything is aligned when the canvas is at different aspect ratios
				local RatioDifference = Vector2New(CanvasFrameSize.X / FastCanvasFrameSize.X, CanvasFrameSize.Y / FastCanvasFrameSize.Y) - Vector2New(1, 1)
				TransformedPoint -= (RatioDifference / 2) * self.Resolution
				local UnroundedVec = TransformedPoint
				local RoundX = math.ceil(TransformedPoint.X)
				local RoundY = math.ceil(TransformedPoint.Y)
				TransformedPoint =, RoundY)
				-- If the point is within the canvas, return it.
				--if TransformedPoint.X > 0 and TransformedPoint.Y > 0 and TransformedPoint.X <= self.CurrentResX and TransformedPoint.Y <= self.CurrentResY then
					return TransformedPoint
				-- SurfaceGui
				local Part = SurfaceGui.Adornee or SurfaceGui:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("BasePart") 
				local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera

				local FastCanvasFrame = Frame:FindFirstChild("FastCanvas")

				if Part and FastCanvasFrame then
					local mouse = UserInputService:GetMouseLocation()
					local params =
					params.FilterDescendantsInstances = {Part}
					params.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Include

					local unitRay = Camera:ViewportPointToRay(mouse.X, mouse.Y)
					unitRay =, unitRay.Direction*1000)

					local result = workspace:Raycast(unitRay.Origin, unitRay.Direction, params)

					if result and result.Instance == Part then
						local mouseCFrame = CFrame.lookAt(result.Position, result.Position + (result.Normal or * CFrame.Angles(0, 0, math.rad(90))
						local RelCF = (Part.CFrame * / 2, Part.Size.Y / 2, -Part.Size.Z / 2)):ToObjectSpace(mouseCFrame)

						local surfaceGuiSize = SurfaceGui.AbsoluteSize
						local sizeRatio =
							surfaceGuiSize.X / FastCanvasFrameSize.X,
							surfaceGuiSize.Y / FastCanvasFrameSize.Y

						local correctedX = math.clamp(math.abs(RelCF.X) / Part.Size.X * surfaceGuiSize.X, 0, surfaceGuiSize.X)
						local correctedY = math.clamp(math.abs(RelCF.Y) / Part.Size.Y * surfaceGuiSize.Y, 0, surfaceGuiSize.Y)

						local finalX = correctedX * sizeRatio.X
						local finalY = correctedY * sizeRatio.Y

						local additionalOffsetX = (surfaceGuiSize.X - FastCanvasFrameSize.X) / 2
						local finalPoint = - additionalOffsetX, finalY)
						if finalPoint.X > 0 and finalPoint.Y > 0 and finalPoint.X <= self.CurrentResX and finalPoint.Y <= self.CurrentResY then
							return RoundPoint(finalPoint)
							return nil
			OutputWarn("Failed to get point from mouse (you cannot use this function on the server. Please call this function from a client script).")

Thats how far I have gotten, also after some more digging around I found out that the reason for this huge offset in the default version (if the surfaceGui is inside a ScreenGui) is because of a bug from roblox. For no reason what so ever, roblox’s engine decides to add the Gui inset to 2d-instances that are inside a surface gui (if the surfaceGui is in a screenGui) no matter if the screenGui has “IgnoreGuiInset” toggled or not. I will probably file a bug report regarding that.

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CanvasDraw Patch - v4.2.1.b

  • Fixed a the outline versions of DrawCircle and DrawCircleXY not drawing and clipping correctly

WOW THIS IS REALLY COOL!!! how long to render this?

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Finally ran into a case to use this module! (Thank you good man)

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I wanted to make a horror game with the same graphics as you showed in the beginning

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Any ideas why the script errors when I call Thank you so much!

You need the editable image beta feature enabled in your settings in studio.

EditableImage isn’t released fully

That video is showcasing a raycaster engine I made. There are plenty of online tutorials that could be easily done in luau with CanvasDraw

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Module and Plugin Update v4.3.0

Hey all, been a bit since an update has happened. I’ve added some small but very useful features to both the module and the image tools plugin!

  • Added Canvas:SetClearRGBA() to change the clearing colour and transparency

  • Added two new optional parameters to CanvasDraw.GetImageDataFromTextureId() to limit the image size while maintaining the aspect ratio: MaxWidth and MaxHeight

  • Added SetRGBA() and GetRGBA() to ‘ImageData’

  • Added two new filters to the CanvasDraw tools image editor plugin; Adjust Brightness and Colour Tint to help adjust colours and light levels.


It’s definitely possible to make a renderer within Roblox. I recently decided to make one, which offers good performance

The only thing I wonder, is how I can do z buffers or some culling occlusion method.

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I didn’t say it wasn’t possible. This graphics library can do real-time renderers really efficiently. Here’s two very powerful renderers I made with CanvasDraw:

Raycaster engine (runs above I think 160 FPS at 240x240)

Real-time raytracing with textures and unique rendering optimisation tricks to get above 120 FPS at 100x100

You should probably get back-face culling working first, as I dont think you’re doing that.

This video covers culling very well, and there’s a part 3 which covers clipping of triangles, which is kind of occlusion culling in a way, but it means you can have the camera close to the triangles without them going huge or running into divide by 0 issues.

Here’s a 3D OBJ renderer I made around a year ago that uses these implementations:

This was made before EditableImage

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Module and Plugin Patch v4.3.1

Just fixed an error on the plugin and fixed and fixed an where the Canvas.FpsLimit property does not function quite right

Canvas Changes

  • Canvas.FpsLimit is now write safe!

  • Deprecated Canvas:SetFPSLimit() in favour of Canvas.FpsLimit no longer being read-only

Plugin Changes

  • Increased the speed of mass importing SaveObjects

  • Fixed a rare occasion where importing a specific formatted PNG may break the plugin causing the gui to get stuck on the screen.

Hello! Did one of these updates effect 3.0? In Draw & Donate the canvases are showing strange blurry lines I’ve never seen before, I didn’t change anything in the game they randomly just showed up. Also accept my DC friend request if you’re able to, I have a few more questions about this module! I love this module and would like to learn more about it to improve my game. Thank you!

Hello. This is a roblox bug

CanvasDraw 3.0 hasn’t been updated since November 2023

I sure hope this gets fixed soon

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This issue appears to be fixed!

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