CanvasGroup Beta: Group Transparency on UI Groups

Same issue. I’m updating frames inside of a canvas group at 2hz, the properties change perfectly but its only visibly updating at 1hz. When I change nothing except switch it out for a frame, it works perfectly fine.

Got some cool effects when I nested two CanvasGroups together (colored red to make it obvious). I even see a cloud texture or something.

I have no clue how this happened, but it looks like it just breaks as soon as CanvasGroups are nested.


Has mask images already been suggested? Being able to clip the contents of a CanvasGroup without using a UICorner or UIGraident would add alot of cool stuff to be be possible.


Having the same problem here!

I recently experienced this way too late and now I have to refactor most of my game’s UI due to this behavior when I started adding ViewportFrames. What bothers me more is that its not even a “known” issue that has been addressed.

Hopefully this will be fixed “soon” :frowning:

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Canvas groups glitch and disappear when tweened.


The border still renders correctly. Does anyone know a way to fix this?

Canvas Groups

Tweening Script
game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(script.Parent,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, -1, true), {,0,0,0)}):Play()


Already reported here:

Currently, you can fix this issue by adjusting the units of position property very close to 0 or as stated in the workaround section of the bug report.

Is this gonna be another forgotten feature just like VideoFrames? Ever since October everyone has been silent.


Would not surprise me at all. The main thing that prevents me from moving to other engines, some of which were created well after roblox’s start, is that roblox hosts your games among others at no cost to developers. If other engines which have plenty of features that’s neglected or not implemented by roblox, I would have moved on by now.


Yeah, main reason I wanted to use canvas groups was so I could make a cool tweeting effect when changing pages using GroupTransparency, but they contain buttons that rely on AutoButtonColor and of course that was never fixed.


Are there still plans to make CanvasGroups work with widgets? I would love to use them in my plugins but I currently have to rely on images to get the results I am looking for, which is not ideal if I want to change the corner or size of the element.


I’m still experiencing issues where the CanvasGroup turns magenta and nothing parented to it shows up if either component of the CanvasGroups’s AbsoluteSize property becomes 0.

The only work around I have found is to add a UISizeConstraint to prevent either component of the CanvasGroup’s AbsoluteSize property becoming 0.

This bug appears to be exclusive to MacOS.



Whenever I use CanvasGroups in BillboardGUIs that move around, they sometimes sporadically flicker between showing content just fine, and showing nothing, like everything’s gone invisible. In ScreenGUIs I don’t get flickering, but sometimes the content inside a CanvasGroup will just decide to not show, appearing as if it’s empty. Reinserting it fixes it, though. Weird

We’ll get some fixes soon

Hello! There appears to be an issue with image buttons inside of CanvasGroups. Specifically, the HoverImage and PressedImage properties do not work within canvas groups.

Below is an example of a image button inside both a CanvasGroup and a Frame:


When will this feature release it has been in Beta for almost about a year now.

Also, I think this is a bug.

@0xabcdef1234 Specified “Insert UICorner under CanvasGroup to apply round corner for the whole group.” but as you can see this TextBox isn’t rounded apparently?

A workaround is just to insert UICorners in both children.

It was already released.

CanvasGroup Beta: Group Transparency on UI Groups - Updates / Announcements - DevForum | Roblox

I am having an issue where tweening the size or position of the canvas group sometimes results in a flickering of the rendered image. I would like to know if it is planned to be fixed or the canvasgroup isnt meant to be moved or scaled during gameplay.

ViewportFrame animations freeze when a canvasgroup isn’t being tweened. Is there a way to fix this?

For the ones wondering, if you want to use CanvasGroup’s with little to no issue, your best bet is to create an auto-updating Frame inside of the CanvasGroup, which is invisible but changes the Rotation property every frame. While not entirely efficient, it also isn’t that expensive, and in normal gameplay, you wouldn’t even notice it.

Although, this is only a temporary fix until the Roblox devs fix ongoing issues themselves.


Can we see an increase in the maximum resolution per axis allowed for CanvasGroups? I recently got a 4K monitor, and some games have really blurry interfaces… I’m at quality 10, so I expect to see it as crisp as it would be without it (assuming it doesn’t span outside of my monitor’s resolution), but its quality falls down a lot and makes it hard to understand what I’m reading, especially numbers. Like “Is that a 1, or is that a 7”?


As an example, here’s the interface in my friend’s game shown on my main monitor. Moving it to fill up a 1920x1080 screen, it looks perfectly fine.



I went into Studio to inspect it, and it turns out that they fill up the entire screen with a CanvasGroup to tween the transparency of everything inside of it to and from 0/1 when opening up their shop.

While it definitely is a waste of memory to treat the entire screen as an image in a case like this, this is a common situation I’ve seen developers replicate, and even outside of this, it makes any CanvasGroup that fills up the entire screen look pretty awful (ie. loading/teleporting screens). I have more than enough desktop memory for this, and my quality is on max. Can’t I force UI to be rendered in high quality?

I’d love to see an increase in this limit, or at least have it based off of the current display’s resolution.


It doesn’t seem to be documented but if you make a bunch of small canvasgroups it doesn’t resort to lowering the resolution as badly. I abuse this for SurfaceGuis to make reticles stay sharp and it seems to work.

Another thing, 2/3rds of the times i launch my game the text looks like this

I have to interact with it to fix it:

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