CanvasGroup hides after setting size of any axis to 0 and back

Similar, more comprehensive post here

Hi there, I’ve found an oddity with CanvasGroups that happens when either axis of its size is set to an absolute size of 0. It’ll just completely disappear when the size is brought back up to something normal, and will stay that way until being removed.

Here’s a small demonstration:

This has been happening for a while already, probably a few months if I remember correctly. I was hoping that someone at Roblox already knew about it, but I suppose that it hasn’t come to your attention yet, or just is a low priority. I’ve had to implement workarounds to this programmatically, which is a pretty big inconvenience and limitation to account for when using CanvasGroups, so if you could please look into this, that would be much appreciated.

I’ve also found that it now sends errors in the console, varying from how the bug was produced:

expressionEval:1: attempt to get length of a number value : Unsure
expressionEval:1: Expected identifier when parsing expression, got <eof> : Using any “special” character (here #)
expressionEval:1: Expected <eof>, got '0' : Unsure
Unable to cast null to double : Using a letter (here d)

All of these happened when put in the X offset.

I’ve settled that this only happens when the absolute position of the canvasgroup is not 0,0. Just having 1,0 offset for example is enough for the bug to occur.

The bug fixes itself when the canvasgroup is deleted and added back, or when Studio is restarted.


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when there’s any update on the issue.


I’m experiencing this issue as well as of 3/10/2024.

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Bumping. This issue is still ongoing for me

This is still happening. Would be great if it gets fixed ASAP.

Same here; I think its causing conflict with my other instances.

Any updates on when it will be fixed? This happens both in game and studio

Any current update on this? Assuming it been a while (Or really long now).

Yeah, this has been going on for a while now. This post was made many months after I found the issue, thinking it was a known bug and would be fixed soon. A genuine status update of any kind would be very nice, even if it isn’t positive. Please break the habit of keeping us in the dark for this long, it’s a big issue that I keep seeing across the Devforum in threads concerning staff.