Hello, I have tried everything I have found on DevForum but nothing worked, which is why I am making my own post.
I am trying to make an auto scrolling scrollingframe.
Its CanvasSize is {0, 0}, {0, 20000}
I have found the max CanvasPosition, which is around 6000.
But whenever I set CanvasPosition, either by script or by studio(properties), it does not change.
Does anyone know how to help me before I pull my hair out?
try deleting it and making a new one with the change
or as a last resort rip your hair out and come back to it after a while
It is not a studio bug or anything. It is just not working the way I want.
I think maybe I should wait a while just in case someone can help
February 5, 2025, 2:44am
What are you changing those properties on? Server or client.
Also changing things within studio like playtest, Is client only.
The client is changing it in game
When I was talking and studio, I meant it was without the game running. No play testing or anything
February 5, 2025, 5:39am
Might just be a max, if you’re trying to set it at a really high number.
No, it won’t let me change it to any number at all
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February 5, 2025, 12:00pm
What do you have parented into it? UIlayout? girdlayout etc.
If you have anything parented into it, try removing those. if not try creating a new game, and put one and see if it works.
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Nothing has worked. Also, I have a UIListLayout
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I don’t think it’s a bug, it is something that is meant to be like that. The only fix I have found was changing the CanvasSize to be like
{0, 0}, {10000, 20000}
But then that messes the script that calculates the maximum CanvasPosition
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