Capacitive touch for VR controllers

Is there any way to get input on capacitive touch for VR controllers (oculus quest/rift)? I’m specifically trying to find a way how to detect if a play has their finger over the A or B button on the Rift S controller. Currently, I have tried to use UIS to print out keycodes with no success. I attached a picture of the controller for reference.


You may need to use the VRService to achieve this.

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I looked thru and tested several functions with no success. The closest thing I could find had to do with the touchpad, but it did not have anything regarding capacitive touch (unless I was doing it wrong). I just looked thru UIS and it also had no functions for it. Does Roblox even support capacitive touch?


I’m trying to work through the same for figuring out hand gesture control similar to VRC.

the VRService does expose a “touchpadMode”, which for my quest controller gives me Enum.VRTouchpadMode.VirtualThumbstick for right and left, but I suspect that is for Vive-style actual touch pads.
I don’t get any other kind of touch input from UIS. There is an analog Vector3 given with UserInputService.InputChanged for R1 and R2. Watching the range of values, I’m hoping it’s possible that simply touching the trigger enough to activate the capacitive touch response changes the value slightly

   ["ButtonR1"] =  ▼  {
	  ["began"] = 2,
	  ["changed"] = 50,
	  ["delta"] = 0, 0, -0.00336293131,
	  ["ended"] = 4,
	  ["maxVal"] = 0, 0, 0.988478482,
	  ["minVal"] = 0, 0, 0.0109711904
   ["ButtonR2"] =  ▼  {
	  ["began"] = 3,
	  ["changed"] = 67,
	  ["delta"] = 0, 0, -0.00361111108,
	  ["ended"] = 4,
	  ["maxVal"] = 0, 0, 0.988950193,
	  ["minVal"] = 0, 0, 0.0110802678

Worst case, I guess players will have to squeeze the button at least a little to close their hands.


I’m fine with players squeezing the trigger and grip, but it would have been nice to have capacitive touch for thumb movement.

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sorry for the bump, but roblox just doesn’t have any function or event for that. they are now focusing a lot on vr right now (as i noticed that roblox is making a ton of updates for roblox vr) so it MAY be added in the future updates.

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Yeah, no capacitive touch support right now. Hoping they add it soon :>