Capitalization is the key to attention

I always wanted to make a post in #help-and-feedback:education-support and I found the perfect topic idea

When you are making a game, you are looking forward in making your game stand out from the others. To do that, you could make your game title capitalized

For instance, 95% of games have their title capitalized and seems like an average title (I have no source for that). When you have full capital letters in your title, it is something that you don’t really see in your Roblox page | SEE YOU PAID ATTENTION FIRST | It is a great attention-grabber for new games to ride up more quickly and get more visits.

I believe it is a small strategy that not many people know of, and it worth mentioning


I think that FULL CAPS does capture attention, but I think misuse can bring a negative connotation to your game.

Games like RIVALS are short, quick, one-word titles that ring a bell. And they need that single word to stand out. A lot of games have “[UPDATE]” or “[UPD]” in their titles, which get easy attention on something new. Some games like LOCOfficial (originally UNOfficial), have a little gimmick in their name that they want to accent.

Then there are some games that take it too far, such as this result when I searched up “ROBOX”:
One thing that hurts your title is if it is LONG and ALL CAPS.
It sends a message of, “I will do whatever it takes to grab your attention!!! :derp:”, which can be seen in some games in the image.

However, if used appropriately, I think it brings more attention, makes you stand out, and can potentially be used as a good way to send how your game will be played out. Great topic! :+1:

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