CAPTCHA ++ (Anti Bot, Anti Exploit)

How It Works

  1. Whenever the server wants, a player will be presented with a CAPTCHA challenge.
  2. The challenge asks the player to identify a specific object from a set of images.
  3. The system randomly selects an object and associated images for each challenge.
  4. Players must correctly identify the object to pass the CAPTCHA.

Current Configuration

The current setup allows for custom asset IDs, but needs some work on adding more than three things to click on.


  • Randomized object selection
  • Multiple image options for some objects
  • Easy to expand with more objects and images
  • Server-side verification

Areas for Improvement

  1. More variety: Adding more objects and images would make the CAPTCHA more robust.
  2. Duplicate check: There’s a duplicate asset ID for “cat” that should be replaced.
  3. Balance: Some objects have more image options than others. Ideally, each object would have a similar number of options.

Feedback Welcome!

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this CAPTCHA system. How could it be improved? What other features would you like to see? Feel free to use this configuration as a starting point for your own CAPTCHA system. Just remember to replace the asset IDs with your own approved images.

captcha.rbxl (74.7 KB)


im not trying to be rude but genuinely asking, how is this effective and how is it “anti exploit”


you can use it to stop bots, im confused how is it not an anti-exploit?

there literally arent bots anymore? i havent encountered one since like 2018,
what bots are you thinking of, cause im thinking the ones that spam those scam websites in the chat, which matter of fact im pretty sure theyre actual users and not bots

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Preventing Account Farming and Exploits - Updates / Announcements - Developer Forum | Roblox

is Roblox Lying about the Botting Problem?

Roblox Can EASILY STOP BOTS But They Don’t

Roblox Bots Situation is INSANE…

In-game bots


okay then, how do you exactly catch the bot? and when theyre presented with the captcha what happens, are they not allowed to speak or not view the player list

If they don’t complete the bot within the specified timeframe, (60 seconds), they can be kicked but I commented out the function that did that so anyone can do whatever they want with this module.


you didnt answer my question on how youd catch the bot, unless the developer implements that themselves

but either way you proved me wrong, it does look effective for some games

only complaints is that it would probably be irritating for a legitimate player, like if their ping is really high and the server thinks theyre teleporting around with exploits, even worse if its a little kid who cant even do the captcha cause they arent… old enough :sob:

im aware that it’s gonna annoy the players, imagine you playing Simulator and y have todo this thing everytime

they catch them by seeing if they made an incorrect choice to the captcha?

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Okay so if I’m playing a clicker game and accidentally press on the dog I’m getting kicked? Hell naw :rofl:


no i meant how do you tell when a bot is being suspcious and when to display the captcha

you don’t get kicked if you press the wrong answer you get kicked if you take more than 60 seconds

what if it was by mistake or like i said some little boy or girl doesnt know what a certain object is

it can’t be that hard if you can read and play a roblox game


bro a little kid could confuse that left one with a cat cuase theyre young :skull:

also you mentioned devs being able to change it

yes you can change the images to the captchas

Dude, just make the bot retry till it wins

Why not something similar to Roblox’s captcha? Like clicking until it’s the right direction? Match the puzzle captcha even.
Would be nice if it was introduced in the game first before letting the player to be teleported allowed to play. If a bot can’t solve it, it’s an immediate kick. At least give users a fair amount of time to try and retry.
I don’t think bots will ever solve something distorted. Let alone filling up a puzzle.

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That would require ViewportFrames which can be accessed client-side for the right direction

or generating the images.