Preventing Account Farming and Exploits

… and by saying this you just displayed you’re either:

  • Trolling
  • Unable to read documentation
  • Couldn’t understand what you wrote
  • or just have a “client anticheat is bad!!!” mind that cannot be reasoned with.

The LogService detection is meant to be in the client; you will never error with an error like that on the server because, simply put, ROBLOX’s RCC won’t be running Xeno any time soon.

It is an error meant to be on the client; externals will never run before ReplicatedFirst, and truth be told, they have little to no power in the client other than playing around with instances and firing remote events. Your connection would most likely be safe, and you could simply add an additional RemoteEvent or, legitimately, to all your remote events, an extra connection listening to an event with some specific parameters to ban the user.

Please don’t grab what someone else said; make an “example” of something that would be great, because even then the API doesn’t work like that because it’s not meant to; sending that data from the client to the server would be stupidly expensive, more so if someone wants to preserve the network performance so many games struggle with.

Stop saying “Running this on the client is the most exposeable mistake you can make” when the thing you implemented MUST and HAS to be on the client, and the fact you just didn’t want to make it work falls on you, the developer, who didn’t want to develop it further in a manner that proves to be of use, finding it too hard to add one more event, does not even have to be named “AntiCheat,” it can be named whatever to pass by to an exploiter, some games even named it a VFX remote…


Hey if they do this they better also prevent people from deleting the “Roblox Singleton Event” Handle that allows you to run infinite roblox’s instances on computer :joy:


Using AI on stuff like this would be okay if it was verified by a human person, nothing should solely rely on AI.

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huh…? their automated systems are a completely different thing to video game moderation.

I genuinely don’t even get the point of posting this comment on how incorrect it is


server farms :slight_smile:

either that or a jacked up PC with an insane CPU, lots of RAM, and a good graphics card


delete the “Roblox Singleton Event” Handle that allows you to run infinite roblox’s instances on one computer

remove the ability to use the c++ mouse event function or SendInput function to interact with roblox

remove the ability for scripts like Auto Hotkey to interact with Roblox

remove the ability to read the screen for pixels

remove python script keyboard & mouse functions to interact with roblox


yeah, ive been flagged by google as “probably a bot” by googling a bunch of stupid questions really fast trying to debug java code that didn’t work.


and then ntts makes a video on this (before meshpart emission maps)


Back then when the community was small, the administrators on the platform were the ones initiating bans themselves, but due to the all growing player-base in the recent years the moderation has been held to pattern recognition and AI, there could be a better example used instead of a word mainly used for making fun of overweight people, which is why it’s use is banned if used derogatorily.


Hey I have a question about the definition of “Account Farming”. I felt it’s unclear. (Maybe it’s because of I’m not English speaker)
I thought it’s meaning is “Using Bots that automated with external programs”, but is it correct?

If it means “AFKing in multi accounts without using any external programs which abuse Roblox’s system like exploits and account manager thing”, I don’t think it’s a problem according to the Community Standards and Terms of Use I’ve checked in Japanese version (yea it’s possible Japanese version was incorrect by some chance :no_mouth:)

Also, is it restricted to use “cloud device service” like “UGPhone” or something like that for the purporse of AFKing in multi accounts (especially in the game supports AFKing in default, such as “ps .. {somebignumber}”)?

Of course, account trading, using exploits or something avoid Roblox’s protections is a violation of these rules, but I’ve seen many people playing ps .. {somebignumber} just for having fun by a lot of account AFKing.


Honestly I’m 100% sure bots are how a lot of slop games have high player counts

Post about this issue:


Since my last reply was flagged, let’s try this again.

YOU (Roblox Corp) have been shown to be inconsistent with how you deal with bad actors on your platform. Take for example it took literal YEARS to terminate MisterObvious’ Roblox account. No Text To Speech’s recent video revealed to a wider audience the botting issue on your platform- shoot, botting has been an issue on your platform for about a decade. What will be done to actually have your consumer base EARN said respect, and what will be done to address the current botting issue aside from vague promises?

Team Fortress 2 – whom Roblox Corp had compared themselves to in the past (ROBLOX vs Steam: How We Measure Up - Roblox Blog) – suffered from a horrible botting crisis for 7 years (for more information look up the #FixTF2 movement and the movement website Save.TF). It wasn’t until last year that players finally came to arms and made their voices heard about the issue. Since then the botting issue in Team Fortress 2 has been down tremendously and the game is actually considered playable. There is still cheaters present, but they’re not as common in VALVe official dedicated servers and getting game banned in a timely manner due to in-game reports.

Will YOU, Roblox Corp, do something about your botting issue before your own consumer base start their own movement to #FixRoblox? Only time will tell, but so far this announcement reeks of this:

(Note that this X post was in response to the #SaveTF2 movement and NOT the #FixTF2 movement which initiated in 2024)


You bring up a very legitimate point I believe most are missing. Sure Roblox would like to say they have a bunch of extra players and engagement, sure that looks nice on paper, but they are likely losing tens of thousands of dollars in maintenance costs due to servers being full of bots, and this is excluding all the money they spend on Dev-Ex for botted numbers. You couldn’t be more correct.


petabyte CPU LOL

also what are “server farms”? i’ve never heard about them before


You could also refer to them as idle farms. It’s where a bot hoster(s) has a bunch of bot accounts idle in private or public servers farming items. They then collect said items and sell them for actual currency, and they indeed can become profitable (TF2: Nobody’s Home, Zesty Jesus) (click the hyperlink for more info).


lol i think roblox never dies or else…?


Some things you can’t prevent, and I believe this wouldn’t even be good anyway even if this was feasible. The end user should reserve the right to interact with the program of Roblox anyway that any standard human would be able to anyway, like reading the screen.

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Kicking any new account still doesn’t help the situation, because whenever you kick players out it will lower your games retention/conversion analytics and average session time metrics, which will all effect your place in the discoverability algorithms for recommendations/searches, especially if you are kicking 100’s of players per hour and they can still dislike/downvote your game after being kicked.

If roblox refuses to allow IP/hardware bans, they really just need to ask for email or phone number verification for any new roblox account to be created, that way people can’t just can’t spam new accounts with random names/passwords and no accountability. That should be a simple and common sense fix, so I’m not sure why it’s still not being implemented.

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This is very cool! It will prevent many exploits and many annoying things!

Not to get us too far off track, but I imagine the SEC investigation may (finally) reignite this exploiting/botting prevention effort once more.

Now that it’s been a few weeks, are there any firm, specific steps that Roblox is taking to address exploiting and botting since this original post?