CaptureFocus and FocusLost not working

  • Describe the bug. Describe what is happening when the bug occurs. Describe what you would normally expect to occur.

The 2 events don’t work as they are supposed to anymore, pressing enter doesn’t fire FocusLost, breaking my custom chat gui in my 4 games, nothing has been changed since it started happening.

  • How often does the bug happen (Everytime/sometimes/rarely)? What are the steps that reproduce the bug? Please list them in very high detail. Provide simple example places that exhibit the bug and provide description of what you believe should be the behavior.

It happens all the time, click the textbox, type and press enter.

  • Where does the bug happen (www, gametest, etc) Is it level-specific? Is it game specific? Please post a link to the place that exhibits the issue.

All games (I think)

  • When did the bug start happening? If we can tie it to a specific release that helps us figure out what we broke.

I noticed it a couple minutes ago.

This is a little odd, my custom chat still works fine (utilizing these functions).

Maybe it would help if you provide a reproduction of the bug (if at all possible) using only the portion of the code needed to recreate it (not your entire chat).

Exactly like documented, I will investigate further.

it worked for years and now it suddenly stopped working

Oh I’m not questioning the proper implementation, but if you can find out exactly what is making your utilization of it act weird I’m sure it would help Studio team figure out the problem. :smiley:

As soon as I figure it out I will post it here :smile:

I turned off a flag that might have been causing this. Can you confirm whether or not you’re still seeing the issue?

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Everything works again now!

When this wasn’t working, what platforms did you check? iOS/Android/Windows?

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I checked it on Windows, I also got complains from people on mobile but I don’t know if it was Android or iOS