sad you dont have high quality and the ability to capture faster and using another camera to capture neither, but that’s a bit too much for a recently released feature, I’m sure it’ll have lot more features to come!
this isnt spam just in case someone flags me again
It appears that this does not currently work for developer activated captures, instead always capturing the CoreGui and other guis within the captured image; will this be supported in the future?
When I saw this, I thought, finally! We can have an API to take in-game captures and save them to a buffer that can be reused? But it’s not that. But I was hoping for something streamlined instead of the hacky ways we have to develop a capture system
This is a good point, I think we can follow up with an API to unload unused temporary captures explicitly for use cases where many captures are being taken. If a Capture is saved by the user we will unload the temporary data and point the temporary id to the saved Capture but it would be good to free Captures without using the prompt.
What is with lots of new feature being blocked off to 13+ users. There have been several decent changes recently, this one included, but why block off half the platform from using them? I can get behind voice chat being blocked off but notifications and now screenshots? All it does is make them less valuable for a developer to implement. Not to mention people can already take screenshots through any mobile device as it is so restricting half the platform is practically pointless.
On top of this, are there any plans to allow screenshots to ignore certain player UIs? Currently captures take multiple visible frames to screen-shot and that means I need to visibly remove many UIs from the screen. The ScreenshotHud option does not suffice as it does not work for developer calls to the API nor does it allow me to show some UIs.