Car Builder Needed[10,000R$ Per Vehicle]

We’re looking for a few cars for a game @Sharksie and I are working on. They don’t need to be fancy, just along the lines of something like this.

You will be paid 10,000 R$ per vehicle.
Instructions / Guidelines:

  • Should not be programmed (no scripts)
  • Should have appropriately placed seats for passengers and driver
  • You are allowed to use one union or one meshpart total for each vehicle. Meshpart preferred!
  • Windshield and windows should be transparent

Vehicles we need:

  • Sedan
  • Truck
  • Minivan / SUV
  • Muscle Car
  • Super Car / High End Car
  • School Bus
  • Mini (Cooper or Fiat 500 etc)
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I recognize that car.

Question: If there’s not supposed to be any scripts, what will power the car?

Wouldn’t vehicle seats be the only way?

They probably have their own scripts they want to use to keep the style throughout the game the same.

Too fancy? I do a lot of 3D work specifically on vehicles.

My friend is able to make very high quality cars in that exact style, but he’s not on RBXDev. Is that fine?

Here’s one of his latest cars:

Would show more pics, but he’s not online rn and his car places are closed. I know he would definitely want to do this, so I’m signing him up. xD

His account: FidelisAdInvocat - Roblox

Note: I’m asking just in case you’d prefer a rbxdev person to do it. If yes, please tell me and I’ll tell him when he gets on.

Just a suggestion. For scripting vehicles, you’ll normally have scripts with very unique and specific requirements. For example, your headlights would come on, so you’d want them to be organized accordingly.

You might want to give your builders some guidelines so you don’t waste your time as a programmer renaming/organizing parts later.

I program them with my own system of course, so that it can conform to my game’s needs and systems.

@Orlando777 Those are the prettiest things I’ve seen today but yes, too high quality :slight_smile: The game will run on mobile and would look out of place in our game.

@Ninja_Deer those are just slightly higher quality than we need, I’d be interested in contacting them! Please pm me their contact details (skype/discord/etc) if you know what it is :slight_smile:

Also, job is still open to all. One single person doesn’t need to build all vehicles.

Another question, about the CSG:

Is it that each car may only have 1 CSG part, or is it that the sum of CSG parts should not be more than the sum of the cars? In the car you linked, there’s a CSG part for the wheel arches, but it’s used twice on the car and it’s shared with the blue van.

Unique IDs (so you can have one union that you reuse or one meshpart that you reuse)

It’s a good offer and I’m interested, but I need to know the timeline before I commit. I am concerned, though, that the 1-CSG-per-car-max limit is too low because it will instantly get used up by the front side windows. If the CSG parts were pooled so that there was a total of 7 CSG parts between all of them it wouldn’t be so bad, but that does not seem to be the case. It’s a really unusual requirement and kind of befuddling. Do you have access to some special API that makes the number of IDs used in a vehicle relevant? The only reason I can think of that a pooled part inventory would matter is if only one vehicle is ever present in the game, which seems unreasonable.

Here’s some previous art:

Those look pretty much at the quality level we want (the ROBLOX Highschool ones are a bit too old looking). If you can share CSG that’s fine, the issue is I didn’t want a builder who was going to add 50 assets that need downloading to my game :slight_smile: I could definitely trust you to keep it fair.

I would be glad to give it a shot! I had started work on a realistic CSG truck before Meshparts came out, and I could easily finish it with less CSG usage to fit the less-rounded, more-blocky theme:

I also have a friend not on RBXDev, CodeWrighter, who is working with another builder to make models like these:

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Definitely interested! Although I don’t want anything that’s CSG or meshpart crazy. Our game already has an unfortunate amount of assets to download :stuck_out_tongue:

Not looking for realistic - just stylized. The 2nd picture you posted is perfect, especially the ATVs.

I’ve sent him a message about it! He sounded enthusiastic about being able to make each type of listed vehicle, so if there are any particularly you would like with that style, I’ll pass it on!

I definitely understand about the stylized vs. realistic! I tried to make meshpart vehicles when they came out… and it was so exhausting and painstaking that I threw in the towel and went to an 8-bit aesthetic instead. In the time it took me to adjust a wheelwell of a 3D mesh (and be unsatisfied with the result), I could draw two complete cars in 8-bit and be completely happy with them.

Anyway, I recreated the front end of the truck using only Parts and WedgeParts. Would you be interested in the full vehicle like this?


Yeah that looks pretty nice! Send me a PM with skype/discord info and we can chat about it more :slight_smile:

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