Sorry for creating too many topics recently, I just tried to create a suspension car based on Sleitnick’s design and it works almost!!! perfectly. For some reason, when the car goes off the ramp(sorry if my english is not good), it doesn’t land safely as i want it to. Here is the demonstration
add a part in the center of the car and hide it then insert a bodygyro into it.
D = 100
MaxTorque = 10,0,100
P = 2500
should keep you car upright you can mess with the max torque to get a good stability
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ok the problem is fixed but another one appear. the car runs quite unstably and also the spring when it lands becomes this
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just tweek the bodygyro it will work with some value u just need to find it
it works different for different things
yeah the problem is solved, thanks
i just realized that my cylindrical constraint slider is set to be above the basepart, i just need to set it with limit enable and that’s it
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