Car crashes when the game starts

So recently I decided to figure out how to make my own cars in Roblox, I found a guide (link above), but for some reason when I start the game the car breaks.

the question of why it’s breaking. You can watch the guide and may understand if anything is below I have provided screenshots of my Explorer. But I think it’s because I didn’t put weld, although he didn’t put them in the guide either. in general I hope for help

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Did you set the hinge’s attachment0 and 1? If not then it might be the reason

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Hmm… how do I check this? cause I think I’ve got it set up.

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It’s in the hinge’s properties

Look, I understand my problem is that Base is not attached to anything (although it is not in the video) how do I attach it and to what?

I’m guessing there’s supposed to be an attachment on the base. He adds it at 3:01

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