Car Dealer Feedback

I am working currently on a car dealer, can i get some Feedbacks and tips?

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Looks good just get it finished. Curved roof is particularly nice… Sign might be a bit bright and unreadable, so maybe turn down bloom? or dont use neon i guess

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It’s look gold but maybe the text the text I can’t very read it but Its looks good

The only input I can think of is just to reduce the bloom, but other than that it looks great, very sleek and modern. Maybe in the future add some bushes or greenery to the front area in small amounts, I think it would look nice with the modern style and the glass on the front!

Looks great but maybe lower the glow a bit, looks good so far though.

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I like the design of the building so far, but like @ldnluv said, I’d lower the amount of glow that the sign produces. It’s a lot for the eyes to take in.

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